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-------- Original Message -------- On 15 Jun 2017, 17:11, Simeon Oriko wrote:
Launching the Community Activities Fund [Donate to CC Forward this email to a friend](
Announcing our Community Activities Fund!
We are excited to announce the Community Activities Fund as part of our ongoing efforts to support the activities of CC communities and beyond.
The Community Activities Fund is a mini-grant program aimed at supporting individuals and communities pursuing activities aligned with the network values and principles stated on the new [Creative Commons Global Network Strategy]( These grants are meant to provide quick, practical-level support for activities, projects, and events done by supporters and advocates of Creative Commons – from kickstarting projects, facilitating travel and mentorships, to supporting the organization of CC-themed events around the globe.
Basic information about the Fund:
- Anyone can apply. We’d love to support projects from any individuals, teams, or organizations advancing the mission and work of CC. - There’s a maximum amount, not minimum. The maximum amount that one can request per project is USD $1000. There is no minimum. - Light and fast procedure. The applications will be reviewed weekly and feedback relayed within 2 weeks of application. - Language. Applications can be sent in English, Spanish, French or Arabic. - Criteria. We support projects that help grow the global commons and foster the benefits of openness around the world at the local level. This fund is aimed to support efforts at country, city or community level to advance into the [Creative Commons mission](, providing support for activities.
[Apply now](
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