Hello everyone, As part of the 4th AfLIA Conference & 6th African Library Summit https://web.aflia.net/virtual-conference-announcement-2021/, we have organised a pre-conference workshop on Monday 24th May 2021 with the theme "Wikipedia and Libraries".
We do have a number of practicing librarians and Wikimedians from Africa speaking on the topics listed on the flyers attached to this email.
*When and how* The pre-conference workshop will be on Monday 24th May and sessions will start at 1000GMT/UTC.
The sessions are in both English and French and will run parallel to each other - we will not have simultaneous translation.
*How can I be a part of this?* The sessions are free and open to all. However, you need to register beforehand, follow the following links to do so :
English : https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_Qhp890TJTUG6nk-dCzvydA
French : Session 1 : https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwvd-qrqz8oGdLiqk_nlEyRehsV1FbKVGU...
Session 3 : https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAqdeihpzMuHtL_eClFSlFvjU4tIe7QyQo...
*Anything else?* Please share the attached flyers widely among your friends and network, Wikimedians and otherwise and encourage them to join us.
Regards and thanks in advance, Alice Kibombo WiR, AfLIA WhatsApp : +256-758-975650