As usual, apologies for cross-posting -- but do consider submitting an abstract! Deadline: 30 June. Taha
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ECCS '13 Computational Social Science: From Social Contagion to Collective Behaviour Barcelona, 19th September 2013
Abstract submission deadline: June, 30 2013 Workshop date: September, 19 2013
Intense scientific debate is going around the definition of the foundational concepts and appropriate methodological approaches to deal with the understanding of social dynamics. These challenges are aiming to understand human behavior in its complexity driven by intentional (and not necessarily rational) decisions and influenced by a multitude of factors. The functioning of communication-based mechanisms requires individuals to interact in order to acquire information to cope with uncertainty and thus deeply rely on the accuracy and on the completeness of information (if any). In fact, people's perceptions, knowledge, beliefs and opinions about the world and its evolution, get (in)formed and modulated through the information they can access. Moreover their response is not linear as individuals can react by accepting, refusing, or elaborating (and changing) the received information. Technology-mediated social collectives are taking an important role in the design of social structures. Yet our understanding of the complex mechanisms governing networks and collective behaviour is still quite shallow. Fundamental concepts like authority, leader-follower dynamics, conflict or collaboration in online networks are still not well defined and investigated - but they are crucial to illuminate the advantages and pitfalls of this form of collective decision-making (which can cancel out individual mistakes, but also make them spiral out of control). The aim of this satellite is to address the question of ICT mediated social phenomena emerging in multiple scales ranging from the interactions of individuals to the emergence of self-organized global movements. We would like to gather researchers from different disciplines to form a forum to discuss ideas, research questions, recent results, and future challenges in this emerging area of research and public interest.
. Interdependent social contagion process . Peer production and mass collaboration . Temporally evolving networks and stream analytics . Cognitive aspects of belief formation and revision . Online communication and information diffusion . Viral propagation in online social network . Crowd-sourcing: herding behaviour vs. wisdom of crowds . E-democracy and online government-citizen interaction . Online socio-political mobilizations . Public attention and popularity
Questions about the conference scope should be directed to the program co-chairs at
One page abstracts are to be submitted in pdf via EasyChair:
The deadline for abstract submission is 30 June 2013.
The contributions to the event will be evaluated by the programme committee through a peer review process that will account for the scientific quality as well as for the relevance of the contribution to the aims of the satellite.
The authors of accepted abstracts will be notified via e-mail by 15 July 2013.
. Javier Borge-Holthoefer (BIFI, University of Zaragoza, Spain) . Guido Caldarelli (IMT Lucca, Italy) . Rosaria Conte (ISTC CNR, Italy) . Sandra González-Bailón (Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford, UK) . Márton Karsai (Northeastern University, USA; Aalto University, Finland) . Helen Margetts (Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford, UK) . Walter Quattrociocchi (Northeastern University, USA) . Luca Rossi (Northeastern University, USA) . Alessandro Vespignani (Northeastern University, USA; ISI Foundation, Italy) . Taha Yasseri (Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford, UK)
. Javier Borge-Holthoefer (BIFI, University of Zaragoza, Spain) . Sara Brunetti (University of Siena, Italy) . Guido Caldarelli (IMT Lucca, Italy) . Rosaria Conte (ISTC, CNR, Italy) . Gennaro Cordasco (University of Naples, Italy) . Santo Fortunato (Aalto University, Finland) . Bruno Gonçalves (Aix-Marseille Université, France) . Sandra González-Bailón (Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford, UK) . Márton Karsai (Northeastern University, USA; Aalto University, Finland) . Helen Margetts (Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford, UK) . Mario Paolucci (ISTC CNR, Italy) . Walter Quattrociocchi (Northeastern University, USA) . Luca Rossi (Northeastern University, USA) . Antonio Scala (ISC CNR, Italy) . Flaminio Squazzoni (University of Brescia) . Alessandro Vespignani (Northeastern University, USA) . Taha Yasseri (Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford, UK)