Manuel Schneider, 24/03/2014 11:07:
I fully agree with that and want to support that. Since several years I am fighting an invisible war against "programmeritis" Wikimania has fallen for.
- have less talks, focus on quality and that people are actually able to
digest the information - less is more!
+1 The counterpart to (falsely) conveying the idea that Wikimania attendance has near-zero cost for attendees (both in terms of finance and personal effort/involvement) is that many people, to get financial support, are forced by the respective organisations/funders to prove they're going to "get stuff done", to "deliver" (usually a presentation, because it's the obvious thing). Instead, we shold have a Wikimania in which we believe enough as to consider it valuable in itself and where people only do stuff they're truly engaged in.