Even the video of Jimbo was with 11 calls below the average. Of what value are you talking about? From a theoretical value?
The way video was handled at previous Wikimanias has not been the optimum yet (no live streaming, very late upload). But even 12 accesses represent a substantial increase in audience compared to the physical attendence numbers (keep in mind that there are many parallel sessions).
You, Dschwen, should not compare your own situation as a U.S. resident with thousands of other Wikipedians, which probably would be able to give a talk
I am not a native speaker though. Even though my address is in the US (and I'm curious as to where you found out about that) I am a german citizen.
in their own language, but not in a foreign language. The same applies to all other persons who are not able to follow a complex lecture in English.
I still don't understand why you conflate the issue of non-native speakers with the video opt-out question. I do not see any problem having a speaker with limited english skills taped (hell, my pronounciation and grammar is probably questionable as well). If anything it would be an advantage to be able and review a talk where you didn't understand the speaker at teh first time. And taping a talk that is given in the speakers native language would have the advantage of being able to subtitle later.
To be a little provocative to say: Forget about the videos, these serve more the coverage and vanity of the speakers themselves.