Hoi, The one thing I respond to is the "Yes, and it costs little ", exactly the part that you filtered out. Credit cards are a rip off compared to EU bank transfers. Banks that receive money and charge for are in violation of EU rulings. I know for sure that some Italian banks steal in this way. This is part of a concerted effort to get the EU public to use credit cards ie enrich the banks. Thanks, GerardM
Jakob Voss schreef:
Dear GerardM,
please just re-read what Delphine read:
Cultural differences and history are a big part of this "money changing hands" business. There are those who don't like credit cards, those who don't have them, those who would "never do anything involving money over the internet", those who have never seen or heard of a check and those who can't imagine that checks are not accepted, those who love cash and those who hate it, those who are paypal freaks, those who don't trust paypal. In short, there are as many ways of "paying" as there are countries and people. And one organisation cannot accommodate them all.
A public discussion about how to pay based on different background and limited knowledge of concret circumstances is a wasteful effort of time that can better be used in other places to help Wikimania and the other Wikimedia projects.
Greetings, Jakob