So if i understand correctly people with no creditcard (and no PayPal) are not able to pay? I hope this wont be true, there are (at least here in NL) quite a lot people without both. It might be a good thing to add the ability of bank transfer, maybe even through a WMF-account that they transfer it together to you? (to reduce costs for international and inter-valuta traffic)
What is ATM way of payment? Is it a Money order?
After I have selected payment by ATM and confirmed the form, in the
following page I got the confirmation number, and below after some line in English, the remaining line are in Chinese (I presume)
Please inform translator when the fianle version of the English text is ready for translation.
I think it's a wrong translation, ATM is the Cash Machine, so ATM meant credit card working only with cash machine and not for paiment, -- schiste
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