From Kimpton to Dupont Circle is 0.5 miles. From Dupont Circle to the
Marvin Center is 0.8 miles. From Kimpton to Marvin Center is 1.3 miles, which is more like 25 minutes. Where does this 45 minute figure come from?
On Sun, May 20, 2012 at 4:35 PM, Thomas Dalton wrote:
On 20 May 2012 21:31, James Hare wrote:
The Dupont Circle Hotel is indeed a 15 minute walk, but it is a very straightforward walk on level terrain and the amenities/neighborhood make it worthwhile. The State Plaza hotel is a much shorter walk and it is cheaper, but not as great a value.
The Kimpton hotels are indeed far—we're not expecting a lot of people to book there, but we included them anyway because we got such a great deal.
So is it the 10 minutes between Kimpton and Dupont that is the incorrect figure?
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