On 2/28/07, THD theodoranian@gmail.com wrote:
Hi All,
The registration of Wikimania 2007 is going to open in recent days. Thanks
If you can enable the test for the other languages that have been already translated in, it would be easier to check the translations (one of the problems in doing the translation is that the translator do not easely understand where the message will be put). For what concern the Italian translation, it should be fine enough translated (still need review actually).
Actually I have just seen that the English version have been recently update http://wikimania2007.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimania:Translation/Registration_f... but some lines are not used (for instance the line " Preferred name for sex", that I would not know how to translate, by the way).
Is the version now present on http://wikimania2007.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimania:Translation/Registration_f... the definitive one.
ARGGHH .. the page http://wikimania.tw/~littlebtc/wikimania/index.php?uselang=en is not encrypted!!!
Do you want somebody to put sensitive information over an unencrypted connection?
Improvements that I can suggest you:
* In the birth date, can be the day be render as a select (like the month), ranging from 1 to 31. This way it would be easier to find where to put year, month and day. (for the year a plain input field may be better, to avoid a very long select list)
* if I change the url by putting something else as parameter than uselang=en, for instance lang=it, I get the Chinese page, an error page would be better, when a not (yet) supported language is selected.
* I find strange that you need the passport number but not the country of the passport.
* Do you need a translation for the option of the Country / Region field and of the Language fields?
* Is there a check on the validity of the date of birth? Or can someone insert date like 2008-Feb-35? (35 is not a valid day and 2008 is an year in the future)
* As already said, Wikimedia project account should be main Wikimedia project account
* I am not sure about this, but perhaps it would be better to insert a note that the sender declare that the account written is really of the person who is sending the form (This to avoid that someone take some other accounts. I know that this would not enough, legally speaking, but it is better than nothing)
* Would the registration fee change according to the number of the days the person is going to attend? It is better to clarify that before it is asked the "Date to participate"
* Badge information is it possible to have both name and username? name would be given_name+surename, givename only or what?
* T-shirt size ... if only it were exist a standard about this size ... I have seen some t-shirts labelled as L that was smaller than what I usually call an XXS. Would it better to put the shorter sizes on the left and the bigger on the right?
* Food and drink: in the current translation the are to closing round parenthesis.
* Date to stay It would be better to specify that the date shown is the date of arrival (starting of the night, that is, for example, that June 31 means the night between June 31 and August 1)
* What is ATM way of payment? Is it a Money order?
* After I have selected payment by ATM and confirmed the form, in the following page I got the confirmation number, and below after some line in English, the remaining line are in Chinese (I presume)
Please inform translator when the fianle version of the English text is ready for translation.