So, a quick update on my efforts on the Wikimania pages on Meta:
There's been much talk about building up the Wikimania Handbook to become an
increasingly useful resource. To that end, I've been trying to connect the
various "feedback" pages, which are overflowing with good ideas, to the
Handbook. I would welcome any help in this area, and so I'll explain the
process I've been going by:
Here's the flow I see: [[Wikimania YYYY feedback]] ------> (summarized in
sections) [[Wikimania YYYY lessons]] -----> [[Wikimania Handbook]]
So, for instance, I have summarized the discussion at:
Wikimania 2010: Monsters and critics ( )
Creating the much shorter page:
Wikimania 2010 lessons ( )
And next I will ensure that all the items under "Badges" on that page have
made it, in some form, into the "Badges" section of:
Wikimania Handbook ( )
Make sense? Please, if you have a little time to spare for this, jump in and
help out -- it won't take long if a few of us are working on it!
Hello all,
I'm probably not the only one starting to think ahead to Wikimania 2013. So
today, I did a rather massive overhaul of the Wikimania pages on Meta --
trying to both wrap my head around the event's history, the process of venue
selection, and existing documentation -- and also trying to organize it in a
way that will make it more accessible as other try to educate themselves.
I sort of wish I'd taken a screenshot or two of the Category structure
before I started, because to be blunt, it was *awful*! I hope what I've left
behind is an improvement. If you want to take a look at the havoc I've
wreaked, you should probably look at:
Or just pore over my (metaphorically) OCD-fueled recent contribs:…
I hope this is viewed as a net positive. In hindsight, as I was getting
deeper into this, I started to realize that I maybe should have stopped to
seek consensus before making such extensive changes. But I am pretty
confident you'll like what you see -- if not, please let me know, and I'll
do my best to undo any damage :)