Phil Boswell ( [050713 00:41]:
"Kelly Martin" wrote in message
On 7/12/05, Phil Boswell wrote:
Maybe the ArbCom could "employ" some flunkies to janitorise the evidence and wrangle it into a standard, readable, format.
The idea of the ArbCom having a "special master" corral the evidence into good order is a good one, but the problem is in finding people to do that. Finding people who are willing to do such tedious work without compensation and also disinterested in the matter _sub judice_ is very difficult -- even harder than finding good arbitrators.
Then you want someone like me, but with more regular access and more spare time, who could give less than two hoots about who's involved but will happily wrangle data into a nicer shape because it hurts less to look at.
Heh - the volunteer efforts of people who like things ordered :-)
It will be of course *very* important not to tread on the toes of the people who presented the evidence, if you're not presenting it on your own behalf.
Happily I have never yet been involved in anything like this, but IMNSHO almost the worst aspect is just how painful it is to try to figure out what happened when.
Um, yes.
- d.