Earle Martin wrote:
On 31/12/06, Ken Arromdee arromdee@rahul.net wrote:
But on this mailing list there should be no need to cite sources for well- known facts. Demanding a citation for something like this is ridiculous. Saudi Arabia's treatment of Muslims is well-known, and nobody who is the least bit informed about the subject can deny it. It's like requesting a source for the Holocaust happening.
I'm sorry, but to compare Saudi Arabia not allowing non-Muslims to drive on the highway that happens to lead into Mecca - the holy city, who would have thought? - with the Holocaust is both grotesque and a piece of gratuitous trolling.
To be more precise the turn off to the left is to "Arafat Makkah", the actual holy site in Mecca. The sign going to the right has two arrows, which suggests two lanes. Why, in a country that is predominantly Muslim, would the infidel minority get two lanes while the dominant religious group get only one? Traffic control can be a serious problem at the time of the Hajj.
The Latter Day Saints do not allow non-Mormons into their inner temple in Salt Lake City, and I find no reason to be upset about that.
The photo adds no commentary, and is accompanied by a misleading title. Looking further into the website gives me the impression that it is run by fundamentalist hate mongers.