Ah, but you do, by creating and maintaining the list of categories upon which to block; this choice is POV. What if I'm offended by images of goats? Are you going to categorise every image in all conceiveable ways just so that anyone can be rendered 'happy'? Really? What about when you, I, and everyone else committed to continuing with this have left (perhaps in a century through death)? What about when we have 10 million image deselection categories in all 300 languages? Who makes the judgement call that an image is, indeed, sufficiently containing of goats soas to render it necessary to be so-categorised?
Block-all-images is a sensible, neutral, and, most critically, '''scalable''' system.
James D. Forrester -- Wikimedia: [[W:en:User:Jdforrester|James F.]]
I think the number of people offended by images of goats can be seen as a small number. The point would be that the major categories of offensive image (porn, gore, whatever) would be drawn up. If the image does not fit into any category then it will have to remain uncensored (or the option of not showing any images could be used). Yes, there will be disputes over the categories but they will be much better handled than what's been going on at [[Clitoris]] and the like. Policies regarding this could easily be drawn up, too.