On 2/12/06, Sam Korn smoddy@gmail.com wrote:
On 2/12/06, geni geniice@gmail.com wrote:
I know but if we limit to admins we have maybe 200 vandle fighters.
Do you actually have *any* evidence for this? It does seem like you are simply pulling figures from the air without *any* justification.
-- Sam
Sure. Pre the introduction of no anons creating articles you could roughly work out how much vandle fighting an admin was doing by their deletion rate. Someone posted a list of the number of admin actions had been done by each admin in the last month. About 200 admins racked up over 100 actions. Once you factor in all the admins who got their 100 by doing things other than vandalism (mine tend to come from WP:CP) you end up with less than 200. Factor in growth from then and you probably have around 200 admins vandle fighting.
-- geni