On 2/16/05 9:39 AM, "Tony Sidaway" minorityreport@bluebottle.com wrote:
David Gerard said:
Christopher Mahan (chris_mahan@yahoo.com) [050216 14:27]:
--- Arno M redgum46@lycos.com wrote:
It is not an encycopedia's task to do PR for terrorists, especially ones who are as ruthless as these.
Then Auschwitz pics are out of the question, right?
I don't know if anyone's working on code for the inline vs link user option, but it would probably beat the fork that appears to be coming on the issue.
Are forks such a bad idea? It would solve the child-safe problem. The adult Wikipedia could possibly also drop a lot of the trivia that are mostly of interest to children. TV show episode guides, comics, games and the like. Presumably article and history information could still be interchanged.
Yeah, television, comics, games -- trivia for children. Boo, popular and low culture. Why won't everyone realize that the only things they should be thinking about are Handelian overtures and eating brussels sprouts?
I adore Handel and good fresh brussels sprouts, but really. Contemporary and popular art and culture are not trivia for children.