G'day Todd,
David Mestel wrote:
[some rearranging and lots of snippage. This is why deliberately top-posting is bad, kids]
I have a feeling that there may perhaps be some legal invasion of privacy issue - in the UK at least, it's illegal to record a telephone conversation without the other person's permission, and I wonder whether that might apply to IRC too (since it's sort of equivalent).
IRC conversations in a public channel aren't a whole lot like a private conversation. They're more analogous to yelling across a crowded room.
Well, speaking more loudly than you intended on Trivia Night and having the table next to you steal all your answers, perhaps. Shouting across a crowded room? No, not especially.
That applies to #wikipedia[0], though, not #wikipedia-en-admins, which is not a public channel. Nice try, though.
[0] And #linux and ##csharp-help and #sextalk, too, presumably.