M Carling wrote:
Hmmm. I can see both sides of this. Of course, DW has been undiplomatic, but on the other side, putting a country of origin next to a person's details sometimes makes sense and sometimes it doesn't. I haven't read DW's reasoning on this (or Zoe's) but nation-states were born with the Treaty of Westphalia (1648). Prior to that, the concept of countries was quite fluid. City-states were more often the norm (in areas that had advanced beyond tribalism).
If no one else want's to do it, I'll try reasoning with DW. Let me know.
Please do. I think the main thing that should be emphasized is that we can all disagree and learn from each other on issues of content, but that flaming people is unacceptable behavior.
I suspect that Zoe completely agrees that "putting a country of origin next to a person's details sometimes makes sense and sometimes it doesn't". You made that point here diplomatically and kindly. There's just no excuse for DW ranting at people.