"Regarding the recent brouhaha over the photos, what I'll say is this. If Wikipedia decides as a community it will display explicit photos of sexual acts, then I won't stop editing, but I'm afraid I'll have to stop recommending it to most of the people I currently recommend it to (normally families with bright teenage children, given my work in a high school). You can call me, my friends, and my acquaintances all the names you like (compare us to Nazis, if Godwin will let you), but those are the cold hard facts."
I agree with these sentiments, James.
I won't go into details, but I went through the experience of being called a Nazi for opposing a porn link once, and the culprit even got the backing of some sysops for doing that.
I agree also with what you said about Nick Berg in another post. I know that it was debated at length here, but the decision to have and retain that graphic photo of his severed head and links to sites showing his murder is something I label a disgrace. In addition to its unsuitable for minors nature, this decision would also have suited the objectives of the terrorists who wanted this to be shown throughout the world. It is not an encycopedia's task to do PR for terrorists, especially ones who are as ruthless as these.