On 09/11/06, Matt R matt_crypto@yahoo.co.uk wrote:
Do I know (say) [[User:SpLoT]]'s gender?
This is where people using their real names[1] instead of inscrutable handles comes in very useful. Of course, nobody would want a world where every Wikipedia contributor wrote under their real name... heaven forbid! [2]
Should I care?
Almost certainly not.
Surely we just want sensible, wiki-savvy, plain-old *people*?
Hear, hear.
[1] Cf. http://www.usemod.com/cgi-bin/mb.pl?RealName [2] </sarcasm>. Although I just came across this proposal, which I really like: http://mail.wikipedia.org/pipermail/wikitech-l/2004-April/021916.html