As Lydia announced, we are going to deploy support for two new data types soon (think of "data types" as "property types", as opposed to "value types"):
* The "math" type for formulas. This will use TeX syntax and is provided by the same extension that implements <math> for wikitext. We plan to roll this out on Feb 9th.
* The "external-id" type for references to external resources. We plan to roll this out on Feb 16th. NOTE: Many of the existing properties for external identifiers will be converted from the plain "string" data type to the new "external-id" data type, see
Both these new types will use the "string" value type. Below are two examples of Snaks that use the new data type, in JSON:
{ "snaktype": "value", "property": "P717", "datavalue": { "value": "\sin x^2 + \cos_b x ^ 2 = e^{2 \tfrac\pi{i}}", "type": "string" }, "datatype": "math" }
{ "snaktype": "value", "property": "P708", "datavalue": { "value": "BADWOLF", "type": "string" }, "datatype": "external-id" }
As you can see, the only thing that is new is the value of the "datatype" field.
Similarly, in RDF, both new data types use plain string literals for now, as you can see from the turtle snippet below:
wd:Q2209 a wikibase:Item ; wdt:P717 "\sin x^2 + \cos_b x ^ 2 = e^{2 \tfrac\pi{i}}" ; wdt:P708 "BADWOLF" .
The datatypes themselves are declared as follows:
wd:P708 a wikibase:Property ; wikibase:propertyType wikibase:ExternalId .
wd:P717 a wikibase:Property ; wikibase:propertyType wikibase:Math .
Accordingly, the URIs of the datatypes (not the types of the literals!) are:
These are, for now, the only changes to the representation of Snaks. We do however consider some additional changes for the future. To avoid confusion, I'll put them below a big separator:
ANNOUNCEMENT ABOVE! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ROUGH PLANS BELOW!
Here are some changes concerning the math and external-id data types that we are considering or planning for the future.
* For the Math datatype, we may want to provide a type URI for the RDF string literal that indicates that the format is indeed TeX. Perhaps we could use
* For the ExternalId data type, we would like to use resource URIs for external IDs (in "direct claims"), if possible. This would only work if we know the base URI for the property (provided by a statement on the property definition). For properties with no base URI set, we would still use plain string literals.
In our example above, the base URI for P708 might be The Turtle snippet would read:
wd:Q2209 a wikibase:Item ; wdt:P717 "\sin x^2 + \cos_b x ^ 2 = e^{2 \tfrac\pi{i}}" ^^purl:Fragment-LaTeX; wdt:P708 .
However, the full representation of the statement would still use the original string literal:
wds:Q2209-24942a17-4791-a49d-6469-54e581eade55 a wikibase:Statement, wikibase:BestRank ; wikibase:rank wikibase:NormalRank ; ps:P708 "BADWOLF" .
We would also like to provide the full URI of the external resource in JSON, making us a good citizen of the web of linked data. We plan to do this using a mechanism we call "derived values", which we also plan to use for other kinds of normalization in the JSON output. The idea is to include additional data values in the JSON representation of a Snak:
{ "snaktype": "value", "property": "P708", "datavalue": { "value": "BADWOLF", "type": "string" }, "datavalue-uri": { "value": "", "type": "string" }, "datatype": "external-id" }
In some cases, such as ISBNs, we would want a URL as well as a URI: { "snaktype": "value", "property": "P708", "datavalue": { "value": "3827370191", "type": "string" }, "datavalue-uri": { "value": "urn:isbn:3827370191", "type": "string" }, "datavalue-url": { "value": "", "type": "string" }, "datatype": "external-id" }
The base URL would be given as a statement on the property, just like the base URI.
We plan to use the same mechanism for giving Quantities in a standard unit, providing thumbnail URLs for CommonsMedia values, etc.