Hello everyone,
I'm having some issues with my wikidata installation, any help would be appreciated.
I'm getting stuck on an "Internal server error" after a Mediawiki + Wikibase repo installation via GIT + update of wikibase via composer, the wikibase is functional but after adding 1 element or 1 property, any other add of elements returns an Internal server error, and I have to wait for several minutes before it's fine again, for only 1 addition of element and then error again.
I have no particular errors in my php logs or apache logs, just - error 500.
Here are the versions installed :
MediaWiki 1.27alpha (b3a82ca) PHP 5.4.45-0+deb7u2 (fpm-fcgi) MySQL 5.5.46-0+deb7u1-log ICU Wikibase Repository 0.5 alpha (62c267)
I can add some wiki pages (non-wikibase stuff), modify them, no problems.
When I try to add an element or property, the first time I try it works, then a few seconds later I can't add a second element I get an "error 500 - internal server error", and I can't get it work until about 30 minutes / 1 hour then I can add another element and then again nothing !
I think I might have a namespace problem but how to configure it and keep my other wiki pages ?
Thanks in advance !
Regards, Jeremy