Hi Magnus, Osma,
I suppose the scenario Osma pointed out is quite common for knowledge organization systems and in particular thesauri: Matching could take advantage of multilingual labels and also of synonyms, which are defined in the KOS.
For the populating STW Thesaurus for Economics ID (P3911), my preliminary plan was to match with all multilingual labels and synonyms as search string in a custom WD endpoint (Fuseki, with full text search support), and display in the ranked SPARQL results of the search with a column with a valid insert statement that can be copied and pasted into QuickStatements2.
Since Stas just announced an extension for WDQS with fulltext search (if I haven’t misunderstood his mail of 2017-06-12), it is perhaps now possible to do this kind of matching in WDQS.
It would be great if such an extended matching could be integrated into M’n’m.
Cheers, Joachim
Von: Wikidata [mailto:wikidata-bounces@lists.wikimedia.org] Im Auftrag von Magnus Manske
Gesendet: Dienstag, 6. Juni 2017 16:07
An: Discussion list for the Wikidata project.
Betreff: Re: [Wikidata] Mix'n'Match with existing (indirect) mappings
On Tue, Jun 6, 2017 at 2:44 PM Osma Suominen <osma.suominen(a)helsinki.fi<mailto:osma.suominen@helsinki.fi>> wrote:
By the way, we also have multilingual labels that could perhaps improve
the automatic matching. YSO generally has fi/sv/en, YSO places has
fi/sv. Can you make use of these too if I provided them in additional
Sorry, mix'n'match only does single language labels.