Tidskrift för ABM invites submissions for a thematic issue on information futures. This special issue aims to explore and examine the transformative role of digital technologies in shaping the landscape of cultural heritage, knowledge access and information futures.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: * The future of access to knowledge: Trends, challenges, and opportunities. * AI and machine learning applications in preserving and disseminating cultural heritage. * Digital technologies and their impact on knowledge discovery and access. * Ethical considerations in the use of AI for information retrieval and curation. * User experience and human-computer interaction in accessing knowledge in a digital world. * The role of libraries, archives, and museums in facilitating knowledge access in the digital era. * Social and cultural implications of the evolving information landscape.
We warmly welcome submissions outside of the specific theme as well. Tidskrift för ABM publishes scientific papers, travelogues, reviews and notes. We accept submissions in both Swedish and English.
Find the author guidelines and submit your work HERE https://journals.uu.se/tabm/about/submissions.
View and please share our call for papers poster. https://www.canva.com/design/DAFs61fyXiY/Z59L3-xOjguExvTbabsoNw/view?utm_content=DAFs61fyXiY&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=publishsharelink Best, Biyanto R. (biyanto.com)
Penafian: Anda tidak perlu membalas secepat mungkin, bila Anda menerima surel ini pada akhir pekan atau hari libur. Disclaimer: please do not feel obligated to respond my email during weekend or holiday.