I will not be able to attend or contribute to the forthcoming Wikisym this year--far too deep in software development and thesis research. But, part of my thesis research calls for the establishment of a baseline platform for conducting issue-based information systems (IBIS) conversations online. I chose MediaWiki for that work. A prototype is now online [1] where we are just now beginning to use it as our communication vehicle for further platform development (bootstrapping).
We believe we are close to releasing a "1.0" version of the stand-alone extension; I say "stand alone" because the extension lives together with other extensions in our project which share the same internal services, e.g. FCKEditor and Smarty. The stand-alone version includes those, but if they already exist, then a few tweaks need to be made to various includes.
I would be happy to hold conversations with others with similar interests.
Jack [1] http://www.silverstripesoftware.com/ibis/index.php/IBIS_Index