I'd like to announce an IEG proposal I'm working on titled "Learning from article revision histories" [1]. If anyone who has studied the evolution of Wikipedia articles (the extent to which articles always improve in quality) is interested in the project, please consider getting in touch with me as I'd love to hear your thoughts. I'm excited about the possible usefulness of this sort of research for the Wikipedia community, but I'm new to Wikipedia and I know I am not the first one to ask some of these questions. If more experienced Wikipedians would like to weigh in on the usefulness of addressing the efficiency of the collaborative editing process, I've posted some discussion topics on the IEG proposal's talk page [2].
Pierce Edmiston
[1]: https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Grants:IEG/Learning_from_article_revision_hi... [2]: https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Grants_talk:IEG/Learning_from_article_revisi...