Hello, my name is Sebastian from AKSW, Uni Leipzig. I'm currently working on extending the DBpedia Framework software to convert Wiktionary (all languages) to RDF. If you are interested please join the mailing list here: https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/dbpedia-wiktionary
Below is an announcement, which might be relevant, as it provides new ways of finding content and creating structure in Wikipedia. There is a mockup http://aksw.org/Projects/NKE#Mockups on how it could be integrated into Wikipedia and also a Web demo: http://hanne.aksw.org
Regards, Sebastian
*****Details Below***** Dear Colleagues, over the last year, we have worked on a methodology called Navigational Knowledge Engineering - in short NKE.
We have amounted a good deal of documents, a web demo (HANNE) , source code and images, which we publish and link to on this page: http://aksw.org/Projects/NKE
Summary: NKE is a light-weight methodology for low-cost knowledge engineering by a massive user base. Although structured data is becoming widely available, no other methodology – to the best of our knowledge – is currently able to scale up and provide light-weight knowledge engineering for a massive user base. Using NKE, data providers can publish flat data on the Web without extensively engineering structure upfront, but rather observe how structure is created on the fly by interested users, who navigate the knowledge base and at the same time also benefit from using it. The vision of NKE is to produce ontologies as a result of users navigating through a system. This way, NKE reduces the costs for creating expressive knowledge by disguising it as navigation.
We would also like to steer your attention to the Web Demo [2], the Tutorial slides for the Web demo [3] and two mockups[4], which visualize how the methodology could be integrated into Wikipedia and Amazon.com .
As we believe that the methodology is quite novel (please tell us in case you know something similar), we are still discussing all possible applications and implications. In particular, we are searching for suggestions, where to integrate and test our methodology next. Please feel free to contact us.
Regards, Sebastian Hellmann, Jens Lehmann, Jörg Unbehauen, Claus Stadler and Markus Strohmaier (TU Graz)
Links: [1] Main Page: http://aksw.org/Projects/NKE [2] Web demo: http://hanne.aksw.org [3] Tutorial slides: http://svn.aksw.org/papers/2011/WWW_NKE/hanne_tutorial/hanne_tutorial_public...
[4] Mockups: http://aksw.org/Projects/NKE#Mockups