That's great it starts with an earthquake.. 311.reallyhim.com http://bit.ly/2xoZl4k
http://bit.ly/2xperqI http://bit.ly/2xnRYdD
birds delusisian.reallyhim.com http://bit.ly/2xoKSVW,
snakes medusa.reallyhim.com http://bit.ly/2gUDL0v and
some aeroplanes... 911.reallyhim.com http://bit.ly/2gWBlyJ
http://bit.ly/2gTxt1k http://bit.ly/2xpmxPO
411 Lenny Bruce is not #insane http://bit.ly/2xnZAwE.
it's the *beginning http://bit.ly/2gUE2k3* of *Heaven http://bit.ly/2gWBvWR*, and you should believe it...
threetag.reallyhim.com http://bit.ly/2xoENZC
That's great it starts with a sex joke...
swallows reck.reallyhim.com http://bit.ly/2gU3F4q, Microsoft dick.reallyhim.com http://bit.ly/2xoQv6v and Medusa, medusa.reallyhim.com http://bit.ly/2gUDL0v
It's *still* the beginning of Heaven and you should believe it.
*don't drink the water...*
*there's blood in the water*
*come now, come now*
*can you not see?*
what were you expecting?
* So would you rather lose swallows, Microsoft, or hurricanes?*
*Honestly.* [image: Inline image 7] http://bit.ly/2xnnVTd IRMA▒ http://bit.ly/2gUrU2y
[image: Inline image 35] http://bit.ly/2gUrCbY so I mean honestly, is there any Y or N? c we got h and x. [image: Inline image 4] http://bit.ly/2ia0F3k
[image: Inline image 1] http://bit.ly/2xnJ67I [image: Inline image 2] http://bit.ly/2gUs0qW http://bit.ly/2gUs1eu *yes you are http://bit.ly/2t6vVof da*▒ *Y* *E* *S** ,**JUPI ** T* *E* *R** I**DA RE **D* *A* *M*
*MYSTERY BEGINS ON 1/20/2001?*
[image: Inline image 31] SOLVED, PLANETS DESCRIBED *IN* *ORDER* IN...
[image: Inline image 34] http://bit.ly/2ia0F3k take a look... "the race is not to the swift" *obviously* links to Mercury ... and TIME and chance linking to Saturn and *now.*
[image: Inline image 33] http://bit.ly/2gVc7jT *1:1 PLANETS TO ELEMENTS, STARS AND LAMPSTANDS, LIGHT http://bit.ly/2gUrLw2 ( c l i cak )* [image: Inline image 24] http://bit.ly/2xo92Ab [image: Inline image 25] http://bit.ly/2xoA0rq [image: Inline image 26] [image: Inline image 27] http://bit.ly/2gZghlk [image: Inline image 28] http://bit.ly/2xoAfCQ[image: Inline image 29] http://bit.ly/2gUBAdA [image: Inline image 30] http://bit.ly/2gTVp4B LOOK, BUSH SPEECH, ON 1/20/2001 ABOUT 9/11 [image: Inline image 20] http://bit.ly/2gUs3D8 [image: Inline image 21] http://bit.ly/2ia0F3k
A *pa, Ra: do x http://bit.ly/2gTpdOG* is a statement that, despite apparently sound reasoning from true premises, leads to an apparently self-contradictory or logically unacceptable conclusion.[1] http://bit.ly/2gTJsvD[2] http://bit.ly/2gTJtjb A paradox involves contradictory yet interrelated elements that exist simultaneously and persist over time.[3] http://bit.ly/2xoDFFo[4] http://bit.ly/2gTJunf[5] http://bit.ly/2gUgUlO
[image: Inline image 19] http://bit.ly/2gUs0qW
According to the Exodus account, Moses held out his staff http://bit.ly/2gTJwvn and the Red Sea http://bit.ly/2xoDhGU was parted by God. The Israelites walked on the exposed ground and crossed the sea, followed by the Egyptian army. Moses again moved his staff once the Israelites had crossed and the sea closed again, drowning the whole Egyptian army.
The *burning bush* is an object described by the Book of Exodus http://bit.ly/2xoAu0I[3:1–4:17] http://bit.ly/2gUX0Y3 as being located on Mount Horeb http://bit.ly/2gTJAeB. According to the narrative, the bush was on fire, but was not consumed by the flames, hence the name.[1] http://bit.ly/2xmT1KA In the biblical narrative, the burning bush is the location at which Moses http://bit.ly/2gTI2Bm was appointed by Adonai http://bit.ly/2xoDQk2 (God) to lead the Israelites http://bit.ly/2xoDTMK out of Egypt http://bit.ly/2gTO313 and into Canaan http://bit.ly/2xoDYjw.
[image: Inline image 23] http://bit.ly/2gVc7jT
The bottom line is, we're about *a foot* away from Heaven, and all it takes to get there is one*small* acknowledgement.... of the nature of our existence and the wonderful implications that brings us to--the great new possibilities opened up by connection "Creation" and "virtual reality" and Heaven. I hope you'll be the person that makes that happen, either with a press release, or a scientific paper, or just a letter to your local paper ... saying "you see it." It's not hard to see, but apparently it's hard to speak up; I'm trying to figure out and explain why, and am stuck between *I-NATION* (the end of the abomination of desolation) and *Medusa*, more on that in a bit. *This is the gate http://bit.ly/2gUj6cY, it's action http://bit.ly/2xoUaSa if that's not really, really clear. For some more clarity, it should become more and more obvious that the true foundation of Heaven is freedom--and that the problems http://bit.ly/2gVc7jTcommunicating http://bit.ly/2gVc7jT http://bit.ly/2gVc7jTwe are looking at http://bit.ly/2hNeOE0 in the world around us, from secrecy and mind control to censorship and .. well, mass stupidity--should really be seen for what it is--it is the crossing of the sea, a lesson in securing and maintaining liberty.*
Acknowledge *that you do not want to eat "*bread http://bit.ly/2h1Gyzh*" from stone, that "*cake http://bit.ly/2ha4H70*" is not good enough either, and that *God has laid down a message in our *everything* http://bit.ly/2xoKvuG* to help us to transition to a world that does not shake it's head and look the other way when asked the question "how would you end world hunger" **in light of virtual reality? *Understand the words of "Total Eclipse of the Heart" *we'll never be wrong together, forever is going to start tonight http://bit.ly/2h2DCTh. Understand, this is something that all of you should really want to be a part of, and I am baffled as to why http://bit.ly/2gWb82X you are so shy as to not even be able to say hello http://bit.ly/2xnCdTJ.*
*This is a sort of compilation of several messages, if you can't tell; you can see the "originals" and subscribe to the secret pizza party once we all get to **Atlantis* http://bit.ly/2gZghlk* at the Google group **light* .reallyhim.com http://bit.ly/2gUrLw2* and/or my **slack*.reallyhim.com http://bit.ly/2gVzkTq*. Ask anything, **honestly. * What follows is the gate to Heaven, and *I do http://bit.ly/2xnby9znmean kissing http://bit.ly/2gUz07l me. Here's my cough, CY the apocalypse starts with a "sex joke" have a gander at the Burning Bush http://bit.ly/2gUs3D8, and the Loch Ness Monster http://bit.ly/2xnshJQ.*
*I'm not sure what I could possibly be offering to everyone http://bit.ly/2gZghlk you in exchange for being the person that saves the Universe from darkness--it will without doubt make you one of the most, if not the most famous person that's ever lived. On top of that you are lucky enough to all be in sea of founders of this thing--this planetah http://bit.ly/2h1CUWe built from ground up to turn Hell into Heaven. It's probably a good place to be, at the beginning of what the future will certainly see as the great turning point away from darkness, as the generations that turned absolutely everything around. Welcome to the spotlight, heart of all Creation.*
*[image: Inline image 36] *[image: Inline image 37]
*I could tell you that "the truth will set you free" but clearly you now see the truth, and that we need more than just "truth" to secure and protect freedom; we need you http://bit.ly/2gUX3mH. **Try to see thegate and the plan http://bit.ly/2gUz0nR the way I do--every person you speak about this with and share this e-mail with brings us that much closer, another day http://bit.ly/2xnJ67I closer, to an eternity of Heaven http://bit.ly/2gZghlk.*
It all started with a message connecting 9/11 to Exodus; one that *should be more than enough* to prove that whether or not you think I'm "Jesus Christ" that this information that I am presenting is coming directly from the Creator of the Universe--and should be *making news* and *spreading like wildfire*--and isn't just yet. That's a big part of the message, this baptism in fire and water that Matthew 3:11 talks about; and is pointing out some seriously debilitating flaws in our society--things like mass ignorance for the importance of free speech and open communication, and the need to *not hide the advanced technology* http://bit.ly/2sBOQnf that this message is designed to not only disclose http://bit.ly/2gTVtBn, but prove has been in use for fucking ever http://bit.ly/2xnCDK7.
http://bit.ly/2gUz07l *man·i**·**a**·* http://bit.ly/2h1CUWe*cal http://bit.ly/2h1CUWe laughter: La hmu http://bit.ly/2gUsRrE or Lahamu http://bit.ly/2gTVyVH (**thirum http://bit.ly/2gVNjZb**)*
I am not intentionally trying to help them / it / *you* hide this message by talking about girls http://bit.ly/2xoDs52, drugs http://bit.ly/2gV7zdD, and my http://bit.ly/2xoDwBO criminal http://bit.ly/2gVzlXu history http://bit.ly/2xoEvlw--though it does appear like that's what is happening. I really want you to understand how clear it is to me that God himself has created this wall of censorship, this thing that he wrote about thousands of years ago and called "Jericho" in order to help us see *very clearly* just how flawed our current social system is. The future of civilization, of life itself, depends on us not only recognizing the importance of free and open communication; but on seeing that he has designed this message http://bit.ly/2lCaZyF to show us *many more flaws*, ones that have been intentionally and secretly subverted in order to attempt to hide *this message and this truth* from the world. There's no doubt about it, *Adam is created*, and there's a grand plan and multiple reasons for just about everything you will encounter while I am busy trying to show everyone that I am not only a much better person than you think, *but actually Jesus f. Christ. http://bit.ly/2gTVEwx You are free to call me Judas though, or Jebus, dear acceptiK http://bit.ly/2gTVFk5conditoribus http://bit.ly/2gTVFk5.*
These flaws that you see http://bit.ly/2gZkgyq, they are links to a number of Biblical narratives, and nearly everything I present not only helps us to find solutions http://bit.ly/2xoDGsU but furthers the now insurmountable evidence that these prophecies that come from everywhere under the sun; from Norse http://bit.ly/2xoDI40, Greek http://bit.ly/2gWarXp, Egyptian http://bit.ly/2gTVK7n, and *Christmika* sources... they are actually about *my life* and about *this time in human history*--to show us just how crucial it is that we receive this message and recognize both it and our import. At the heart of this message is an explanation of what "Satan" really is; a tool designed to make these *life-and-death http://bit.ly/2gTVLIt* social problems stand out like a sore thumb http://bit.ly/2h1Gb81, and at the same time help us to not only *not blame anyone* for them, but to use this new knowledge swiftly change the world. I'm not Satan http://bit.ly/2xnCkyD by the way, *I am a person*, just like you.
This message begins by *undeniable proving the existence of time travel* both by predicting the 3/11/11 earthquake and the 9/11 attack in Exodus, Ecclesiastes, and Revelation http://bit.ly/2xnvZU1 and showing the world previously hidden and *very obvious ancient references to modern technology--centering around computer science http://bit.ly/2xoDs52. With a tiny shred of thought* and some serious research it the becomes clear that our entire computing industry http://bit.ly/2gTVQMh (and the focus on science and technology in our time line *as well as the arts*) is part of an ancient and divine plan http://bit.ly/2xoDI40 to build Heaven http://bit.ly/2gZghlk.
Someone, I can't seem to *figure out who http://bit.ly/2h1CUWe, *has taken this message and tied it directly to *now verifiable proof* that our evolution of democracy was "helped in the beginning" and then artificially *held back*, using this same hidden technology http://bit.ly/2sBOQnf. That through the years of our most advanced technological advances--from cars and phones to computers and the internet, we failed to make the obvious leap to attempting to use these technologies to advance the infrastructure of our "governments of the people," specifically for voting and the creation of legislation http://bit.ly/2gWaAdp. Implied strongly, is the possibility that without some kind of *disruption,* it might have taken many years, decades, centuries, or forever for us to have moved past this idea of "representative democracy http://bit.ly/2xnbKWl" being the very best system possible.
Finding land, here on Noah's ark--we can solve two problems with *one stone http://bit.ly/2gTVK7n; *creating a new *open and transparent* infrastructure that will ensure that the kind of censorship and "walled garden" that we see here surrounding *this message of freedom http://bit.ly/2gTVEwx *will never again http://bit.ly/2sBOQnf be possible--while at the same time building a system that will allow us to collaborate on things like legislation http://bit.ly/2sBqDh3 and *universal voting http://bit.ly/2gTVVj3*.
A big part of this story, of this proof of time http://bit.ly/2xnvZU1 travel existing and being literally the tool that not only proves http://bit.ly/2i71aeC that we are *created* but also how and why that's been done http://bit.ly/2xoDI40--it shows us that much of our modern art is part of the plan to build Heaven http://bit.ly/2gZghlk... and here we *link together* (think "*Matrix*") stories like Minority Report and Back to the Future http://bit.ly/2xoDGsU to *imply* that we probably need to do more talking http://bit.ly/2miyBfz in order to convince ourselves that we really are not deserving of things like school shootings and terrorism--and show everyone that we have the ability to stop it. Honestly, ending senseless violence is not the kind of thing that there should be a "Minority" *voting http://bit.ly/2xncdI5* for. We can see it though, reference to these things too in The Plagues of *Lice and Killing* in Exodus--here to show us *what "freedom" is really about http://bit.ly/2xoDGsU.*
die uno http://bit.ly/2gWaFhd biblica caelo http://bit.ly/2gZghlk aedificabuntur http://bit.ly/2xmTRXK http://bit.ly/2gV7zdD http://bit.ly/2gV7zdD
I do hope you will the time to dick http://bit.ly/2sBONYB on the links that are behind those big* bright orange http://bit.ly/2xnCMNF doors to Heaven http://bit.ly/2gZghlk above*... there you will find proof and evidence of what I am saying, and that it does in fact all come directly from God http://bit.ly/2gZghlk. I might get in trouble for saying this, but if you didn't know--when you click on ads the person who wrote the website will make a little bit of money--and that might keep me from starving to death... *something you are actually doing on purpose *without knowing it--by hiding this message.... *this message* about freedom and slavery; delivering an ancient message about being the angels of Heaven, and *not knowing it.*
*As if you needed more than "it's the truth" and "exit from slavery" and "ending world hunger http://bit.ly/2xnCDK7," here's some commentary http://bit.ly/2xnCXsj on the NES http://bit.ly/2xnCDK7 (the game http://bit.ly/2gUs0qW) of space colonization, specifically links between the Iron Rod http://bit.ly/2gZghlk of "an" and the planet Mars http://bit.ly/2xnCXsj.*
The "*gist*" of the message is *verifiable http://bit.ly/2xnZAwE proof* that we are living in a computer http://bit.ly/2t5T4qO in *simulated reality* ... *just like the Matrix. *The answer to that question, what does that mean--is that God has woven a "hidden" message into our everything--beginning with each name and *every word*--and in this hidden Adamic language, he provides us with guidance, wisdom, and suggestions on how to proceed on this path from "raelity" to Heaven. I've personally spent quite a bit of time decoding the message and have tried to deliver an interesting and "*fun*" narrative of the ideas I see. Specifically the story of Exodus, which is called "Names" in Hebrew discusses a time shifted narrative of our "*now*" delivering our society from a hidden slavery (read as *ignorance of advanced technologies already in use*) that is described as the "darkness" of Exodus http://bit.ly/2gUs0qW. If you have *any questions*, ideas to contribute or concerns... I'd love to hear from you http://bit.ly/2gVzkTq this whole thing really is http://bit.ly/2gWQYG3 about working together--Heaven http://bit.ly/2gZghlk, I mean. [image: Inline image 16] http://bit.ly/2gTW7Pj As I walk down the hallowed streets of nearly cobblestone http://bit.ly/2hgHksE on Atlantic Avenue, *ishing* "the words of the prophets are written on the subway walls" to something like "are vibrating light echoing in the air" and *ishing* that "I know I'm one http://bit.ly/2h2uLRm" in the Animals' "House of the Rising Son to ... well,* you know*: "*I know I've won*" these are the signs of Revelation staring at me in the face, making this magical mystery ride http://bit.ly/2ibiJKy just that much more enchanting for me--and reinforcing Taylor early words, "*when the light hits your eyes, it's telling me I'm right http://bit.ly/2xo3LZg.*" I know there's no way you could get the full effect of what it fells like to walk around in the House of the Great Light--that is, unless you open your eyes and look at the world around you.
[image: medusa.reallyhim.com] http://bit.ly/2xo3O7o ON REVERSING "iNATION" AND "MEDUSA" AND C'ING THE LIGHT (OH, *H**EY* NAT <3)
*HONESTLY, I'M WAY TO CUTE http://bit.ly/2xo5EoQ TO BE A MONSTER :(*
http://bit.ly/2xoEDS0 http://bit.ly/2xoENZC
http://bit.ly/2gVc7jT http://bit.ly/2jLTZoA
So... *here we are http://bit.ly/2xnDEBB*... listening to the legend http://bit.ly/2i73nXBary father of the message (that's "*abom*" in Adamic Spagnlishrew) point out all of the sex jokes hidden in religion and language from *sexual* *innuendo *to Poseidon http://bit.ly/2xnby9z and in our history from Yankee Doodle to Hancock to Nixon http://bit.ly/2gWb82X and I've got to be frank with you, the most recent time I came across this phrase in scripture I cringed just a little bit, pretty sure that the "message" was talking about me. I've reflected on this a little bit, and over the past few weeks have tried to show you the juxtaposition between "sex" and "torture" in it's various forms from imparting blindness to allowing murder and simulating starvation; and I think I'm justified in saying that certainly those things are far worse on the Richter scale than anything I could do by writing a little bit of risque text. In the most recent messages I've touch a little bit, without even knowing or realizing this connection would be made, on what it is that this phrase actually means.
* http://bit.ly/2xoLDhU* http://bit.ly/2xoENZC
So long story short is that the answer here is "abomination" and the question, or the context is "I nation." Whether it's Medusa speaking for the Dark United States or the nation of Israel speaking to either *Ra or El* http://bit.ly/2gU4qe6 depending on the day, the bottom line is that a collective consciousness speaking for everyone on a matter of this importance in a cloud of complete darkness on Earth is a total and undeniable abomination of freedom, civilization, and the very humanity we are seeking to preserve. The word reads something like this to me "dear father of the message, I am everyone and we think you are an abomination, fuck off." My answer of course is, IZINATION. Which humorously reminds me of Lucy, and Scarlet Johannson saying "I am colonizing my own brain" so here's some pictures of her. She is not an abomination, by the way; she's quite *adorable**. You'll probably notice there's some kind of connection between the map--the words speaking to the world, and the abomination, as if the whole thing is a story narrated in ancient myths http://bit.ly/2gU4ryG.*
http://bit.ly/2xnw7CZ * http://bit.ly/2xnDvOT * http://bit.ly/2xo6EJz *WAKE UP, "SHE" A MESSAGE TO YOU ABOUT THE FUTURE*
*You might not think "it's you," but the manifestation of this "snake" in our world is your silence, your lack of understanding or willingness to change the world; and whether or not you're interested in hearing about it, it's the monster that myths and religion have spoken about for thousands and thousands of years. It's a simple matter to "kill Medusa" all you have to do... is speak.*
*Take special note, "freedom of speech" and "freedom to think for yourselves" are not a group decision, and you do not have the right to force (either overtly or subtly, with hidden technology http://bit.ly/2gUs0qW perhaps combined with evil deceit) others not to talk about anything. Especially something of this importance. http://bit.ly/2xnEQ83*
If you didn't connect "*Loch http://bit.ly/2xnshJQ*" to John *Locke http://bit.ly/2xncdI5*, now you have; see how easy this "reading" thing is? I've gone over the "See Our Light" series a few times, but let me--one more time--explain to you just how we are already at the point of "desolation" and with shining brilliance show you how it's very clear that it is "*INATION*" and "*MEDUSA http://bit.ly/2gU4ryG*" that are responsible for this problem.
Seeing "Ra" http://bit.ly/2gU4qe6 at the heart of the names Abraham and Israel begins to connect the idea that our glowing sun in the sky has something to do with this message about "seeing our light" is being carried by a stone statue on Ellis Island (where you'll see the answer another part of the question of Is Ra El?). I've connected her to the "she" of both *shedim http://bit.ly/2gU4yu6* and *Sheol http://bit.ly/2gU4zya*, which reads as "she's our light" and is the Hebrew name for Hell.
Of course you noticed that the Statue of Liberty does in fact share it's initials with SOL, the *the light above* and you can see her torch dimly lighting the way through the night; Now you can connect "give us your tired and your poor" to the *Lazman *of both the lore of Jesus Christ http://bit.ly/2iPwr30 and the Shehekeyanu http://bit.ly/2gU4CtQ; a prayer about the sustainment of life *and light* up until this day. That same torch connects to the Ha-nuke-the-ahah depiction of Christ, Judah Maccabee's lit *MEN OR AH*, which delivers not only a solution to the two letter key of "*AH*" as All Humanity that pervades nearly every bride of Revelation from Sarah to Leah; but also to the question of equality answered in our very own American history, beginning with the same three letter acronym now lighting the *Sons of Liberty.*
*Dazed and Confused* does a good job of explaining how this name is itself a prophesy designed by Hand of God'; explaining that these *Sons of Liberty* were all white slave owning wealthy men fighting to stop paying their taxes, rather than delivering liberty to the slaves or women, who were both disenfranchised for quite some time. Or maybe *MEN OR AH* has something to do with the angels of Heaven, in which case you might be *SOL* if you aren't a girl http://bit.ly/2gTyt5A and you want to be "be good friends with Ra." Just kidding. *Kinda.*
*DESOLATION* by the way reads something like "un see our light at *I owe N*" which is God's way of saying "at the point of believing that hiding Adam is a good thing" and that connects to the *end of Creation* and also the now lit by modern day *evil* the word "*rendition.*" *Our end, it "ion." *In religious myth, the Messianic David clung to the city *Zion *(end the "i owe n") which also links to "*verizon*" (to see, I Z "on") and *HORIZON* which has something to do with the son rising today-*ish*.
[image: Inline image 25] http://bit.ly/2gTytT8 [image: Inline image 26] http://bit.ly/2gTVp4B
The story of *MEDUSA* lights another psuedo-religious idea, that the words "*STONE http://bit.ly/2gVc7jT*" of both "*brimstone*" and it's Adamic interpretation "South to Northeast" have something to do with the phrase "*Saint One http://bit.ly/2gU4ryG" *turned into a *single hero* against his will by the complete and utter inaction of everyone around him. In the words of Imagine Dragons "I'm waking up to *action dust.*" At the same time, you can believe that the light of *this particular son*, comes not just from reading these words forwards, but the backside as well, and you'll hopefully see it's not coincidental that the other side of this coin is that "nos" means we, and us... and Adamically "*no south.*" See the light of "*STONE*" also connecting to Taylor Momsen http://bit.ly/2gUz07l's *rose arrow* painted on her back, and the sign of my birth http://bit.ly/2iancNz, Sagittarius... which in this particular case links to the http://bit.ly/2kT53Fp*Party http://bit.ly/2kT53Fp of the Immaculate Conception *of *the eternal republic of the Heavens http://bit.ly/2gUX3mH.*
*and... some musings on Medusa.* *this candle is lit, fam -ly*
So I'm thinking to myself about the irony of the name Warwick; as I see read emails stream across my screen in a sort of "code of the Matrix" sort of way. Pondering how stupid you must be to even think about "warring" over whether or not people, you yourselves, should be "allowed" to see and discuss a truth that is everywhere. Literally everywhere but that little piece of your brain that thinks "Heaven" is inconsequential and fails to grasp the affront to logic and your own worth that not seeing, or overtly hiding this message from God unveils.
[image: Inline image 3]
I say this, even to you all that probably think I'm not talking about you--even though you've read it, and your a small group... for some reason you don't make the moral or logical "leap" required to see that jumping up and down and sharing this "find" of the Messiah is not just what you should do, you should see something's kept you from doing it; and try that much harder to secure your freedom. You know, with message that explains how to do that, how we've been "compromised" and if isnt urging you to make sure we never again find ourselves unknowing slaves to darkness, at least I am.
Not just you, the group of people attempting to hide the Universal Truth from everyone is sprawling. So large that I can't enter a forum, or a chat room, or even Zello "radio channel" without being silenced or muted or banned. You know who you are, do you realize that what you are doing is taking away your very own "self rule" destroying your freedom, that you are literally saying "what you think doesn't matter, and neither does anyone else," you think the secret force infiltrating your mind and causing the end of civilization; well, it simply must "be right."
http://bit.ly/2gU4KcO http://bit.ly/2t5T4qO *SOLUTIAN**, ON YOUR COMPUTER.. TO THE SOUND OF SILENCE http://bit.ly/2hgHksE*
Medusa was beheaded by the hero Perseus http://bit.ly/2xnJpPU, who thereafter used her head, which retained its ability to turn onlookers to stone, as a weapon[4] http://bit.ly/2gV5DSi until he gave it to the goddess Athena http://bit.ly/2gU4MBs to place on her shield http://bit.ly/2gU4NW2. In classical antiquity http://bit.ly/2xo71DX the image of the head of Medusa appeared in* the **evil-averting device http://bit.ly/2xo72rv known as the Gorgoneion http://bit.ly/2xoF6DK.* http://bit.ly/2t5T4qO בָּרוּךְ אַתָּה יְיָ אֱלֹהֵינוּ מֶלֶךְ הַעוֹלָם שֶׁהֶחֱיָנוּ וְקִיְּמָנוּ וְהִגִּיעָנוּ לַזְּמַן הַזֶּה׃
http://bit.ly/2xoFbaw *BERESHADoi*
[image: Inline image 12] [image: Inline image 3] [image: Inline image 4] http://bit.ly/2gUC9UK
*SO**N* Ye[image: Inline image 5]
*R O C K O F . . . S A G E S ?*
[image: Inline image 1]
H E A R D http://bit.ly/2xoFhyU E http://bit.ly/2xoFhyU R http://bit.ly/2xoFhyU O http://bit.ly/2xoFhyU R http://bit.ly/2xoFhyU I T R E A L L Y D O E S M E A N "FREEDOM http://bit.ly/2xoFhyU" B R E A D I S L I F E
[image: Inline image 14] http://bit.ly/2t6rsSI
Tying up loose e*ad*ds, in a similar vain to the connection between the Burning Bush and universal voting http://bit.ly/2xnoWuv now etched by-stone, there exists a similar missing Link http://bit.ly/2gTpqRY connecting the phrase "it's not a a gam" to Mary Magdeline http://bit.ly/2xoA0rq to a pattern that shows us that the Holy Trinity and our timelines are narrated by a series of names of video game systems and their manufacturers from "Nintendo" to Genesis and the rock of SEGA. Through a "kiss http://bit.ly/2gUz07l" and the falling of *a wall http://bit.ly/2hNeOE0*the words bread and read http://bit.ly/2h1Gyzh are tied up and twisted with the story of this Revelation and the heart of the word Creation, "*be the reason it's A.D.*" It's a strong connection between the idea that virtual reality and Heaven are linked by more than simply "technology" but that this message that shows us that these tools for understanding have fallen from the sky in order to help us understand why it is so important, why I call it a moral mandate, that we use this information to follow the map delivered to us in the New Testament and *literally end world hunger*, *and literally heal the sick*; because of the change in circumstance revealed to us. These simple things, these few small details that might seem like nothing, or maybe appear to be "changing everything" they are not difficult things to do, *in light of Creation, *and few would doubt that once we do see them implementi*ed* here... the difference between Heaven and Hell will be ever so clear.
[image: Inline image 13] http://bit.ly/2gUz0nR A while ago, in a place called *Kentucky*... this story began with a sort of twisted sci-fi experience that explained a kind of "God machine" that could manipulate time and reality, and in that story, in that very detailed and interesting story that I lived through, this machine was keyed to my DNA, in something like the "Ancient technology" of *Stargate* SG-1 and Atlantis mythology. My kind brother Seth made a few appearances in the story, not actually in person but in fairly decent true to life holograms that I saw and spoke to every once in awhile. He looked a little different, he had long hair; but that's neither here nor there, and he hasn't really had long hair since I was a little boy. He happens to be a genetic engineer, and I happen to be a computer person (although he's that too, now; just nowhere near as good as me... with computers) so the story talked a little bit about how I would probably not have used DNA as a key, since I'm not a retard, and he probably wouldn't either, because works in that field (cyclone http://bit.ly/2xodX3V, huracan http://bit.ly/2xo7LJf, t*or*n*ad*o). So then the key we imagined was something ... well, *Who cares* what the key is, *right?*
[image: Inline image 13] http://bit.ly/2xocI4M
So back to the task at hand, not so long ago, in a place called *Plantation* I was struck by lightning, literally (well not literally) the answer to a question that nobody knew was implanted in my mind, and it all came from asking a single simple question. I was looking for more chemistry elements http://bit.ly/2gVc7jT in the names of the books of the Holy Bible, after seeing Xenon at the "*sort of beginning*" of *Exodus*, where it screams "*let there be light*" in Linux and chemistry (and I've told you that a hundred times by now). So it didn't take long to follow the light of that word and read Genesis backwards, and see, at the very beginning of that book, Silicon... *in reverse.*
[image: Inline image 19]
According to the Exodus account, Moses held out his staff http://bit.ly/2gTJwvn and the Red Sea http://bit.ly/2xoDhGU was parted by God. The Israelites walked on the exposed ground and crossed the sea, followed by the Egyptian army. Moses again moved his staff once the Israelites had crossed and the sea closed again, drowning the whole Egyptian army.
The *burning bush* is an object described by the Book of Exodus http://bit.ly/2xoAu0I[3:1–4:17] http://bit.ly/2gUX0Y3 as being located on Mount Horeb http://bit.ly/2gTJAeB. According to the narrative, the bush was on fire, but was not consumed by the flames, hence the name.[1] http://bit.ly/2xmT1KA In the biblical narrative, the burning bush is the location at which Moses http://bit.ly/2gTI2Bm was appointed by Adonai http://bit.ly/2xoDQk2 (God) to lead the Israelites http://bit.ly/2xoDTMK out of Egypt http://bit.ly/2gTO313 and into Canaan http://bit.ly/2xoDYjw.
[image: Inline image 20] http://bit.ly/2gUs3D8 [image: Inline image 21] http://bit.ly/2ia0F3k
A *pa, Ra: do x http://bit.ly/2gTpdOG* is a statement that, despite apparently sound reasoning from true premises, leads to an apparently self-contradictory or logically unacceptable conclusion.[1] http://bit.ly/2gTJsvD[2] http://bit.ly/2gTJtjb A paradox involves contradictory yet interrelated elements that exist simultaneously and persist over time.[3] http://bit.ly/2xoDFFo[4] http://bit.ly/2gTJunf[5] http://bit.ly/2gUgUlO
[image: Inline image 23] http://bit.ly/2gVc7jT
An *anachronism* (from the Greek http://bit.ly/2xnwy05 ἀνά *ana*, "against" and χρόνος *khronos*, "time") is a chronological http://bit.ly/2gTWlWF inconsistency in some arrangement, especially a juxtaposition of persons, events, objects, or customs from different periods of time. The most common type of anachronism is an object misplaced in time, but it may be a verbal expression, a technology, a philosophical idea, a musical style, a material, a plant or animal, a custom or anything else associated with a particular period in time so that it is incorrect to place it outside its proper temporal domain.
[image: Inline image 18] [image: Inline image 2][image: Inline image 3] [image: Inline image 4] [image: Inline image 5]
*So, what about God's DNA, anyway? * *What's he really made of?*
[image: Inline image 6] [image: Inline image 7]
[image: Inline image 8] [image: Inline image 9] *SIM* MON *S* *WILD* ER ROD *DEN* BERRY
So after seeing Silicon, and connecting that to the numerous attempts I've made to show a message connecting The Matrix to the Fifth Element http://bit.ly/2t5T4qO (as Silicon) describing what it is that God believes we should do with this knowledge--and see that it is narrated as the miracles of Jesus Christ in the New Testament http://bit.ly/2h1Gyzh... *these names* came to me in quick succession, an answer to the question. I suppose any Gene will do, these three though, have a very important tie to the message that connects Joshua's Promised Land of flowing Milk and Honies to ... a kiss that begins the new day (I hope) ... and a message about exactly how we might go about doing magical things like *ending world hunger and healing the sick* using technology described ... in *Star Trek* and *Stargate*. A "*religion of the Stars*" is being born.
[image: Inline image 11] [image: Inline image 17]
That's great... it *starts with an earthquake*. R.E.M. and a *band* ... 311 http://bit.ly/2gVcknb. Oooh, I can see it coming http://bit.ly/2ia0F3k down... The Petty Reckless http://bit.ly/2gU3F4q. An evening's love starts with *a kiss* http://bit.ly/2gUz07l. Dave Matthews Band. I wanna rock and roll all night and party every day http://bit.ly/2gU3Hcy. *Adam*. *I mean Kiss. Are you starting to see a pattern http://bit.ly/2gTVp4B form? Birds, snakes http://bit.ly/2xmYPnm, and aeroplanes? It's that, it's the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine.*
[image: Inline image 15] http://bit.ly/2gU3qq2 [image: Inline image 16] http://bit.ly/2gU3MNo
In that song we see clues that more than just the Revelation of Christ is narrated by John on an island called Patmos. There *yet another* Trinity, starting with "Pa" and hearting Taylor Momsen's initials... most likely for a reason... and the Revelation ends with a transition that I hope others will agree with me turns "original sin" into something closer to "obviously salvation" when we finally understand the character http://bit.ly/2xnKze5 that is behind the *message of da i of Ra... *and begin to see the same design in the names of Asmodai and in this Revelation focusing on freedom and truth that really does suggest Taylor *can't talk to me* http://bit.ly/2xo5EoQ in any way other than "letting freedom sing" in this narrative of kismet and fate http://bit.ly/2gUz07l and free will and ... then we see that narrative continue in the names of bands, just like the 3/11/11 earthquake is narrated in not just R.E.M.'s song but in the name 311. Just like the 9/11 attack is narrated not just in that same song (released in 1987) and "Inside Job http://bit.ly/2gU3MNo" (released in 2000) but also in "Fucked up world http://bit.ly/2ia0F3k."
Dear all of you *walking dumb and blind*, this same quake is narrated in Taylor's Zombie; *waiting for the day to shake http://bit.ly/2gU3Psy*, all very similar to Cairo and XP, perhaps a "*fad*" of *doublethink* in the minds of the authors singing about a clear prophesy in the Bible; this connection between the day, 3/11 though, and the name of a band and the day of an arrest http://bit.ly/2gZe0Xd and the verse Matthew that tells you clearly *you have now been baptized in water and fire*... it shows us the design of a story whose intent and purpose is to ensure that we no longer allow for things like hurricanes and earthquakes and murder and rape to be "simulated" that we build a better system, that doesn't allow for 'force majeure" to take lives for *no reason at all.*
[image: Inline image 19] [image: Inline image 20] [image: Inline image 21] http://bit.ly/2gWpNeB
Not just in band names, but in the angels names too, in all of our names; we see this narration continue. The Holy Water that is central to the baptism of Christ is etched into Taylor's name, between "sen http://bit.ly/2xoA0rq" and "mom http://bit.ly/2xnEjD5" the key to the *two* *Mary's* whose names contain the Spanish for "sea" in a sort of enlightenment hidden in plain sight. In "Simmons" the key connection between today, *this Biblical Monday*, and the word "simulation" that ties to *Simpsons* and *simians* and *keep it simple stupid, and in Simmons the missing "s" of Kismet http://bit.ly/2gUz07l, finally completing the question.*
[image: Inline image 23] http://bit.ly/2gUz07l *[image: Inline image 24] http://bit.ly/2gUz07l*
*It's a song and dance that started a long time ago, as you can see from the ancient Hebrew word for "fate" and in more recent years a connection to the ballroom of Atlantis http://bit.ly/2gZghlk in the Doors 5 to 1 http://bit.ly/2xnXNHV and Dave sang about it in Rapunzel http://bit.ly/2gU48nc and then Taylor shook a tambourine http://bit.ly/2ia0F3k on the beach only minutes away from me--but never said "hi." The battle of the bands continues tying some door knocking to a juxtaposition between "Sweet Things http://bit.ly/2xnXQU7" and "Knocking on Heavens door http://bit.ly/2xnEsGD" all the way to a Gossip Girl episode where little J asked a question that I can't be sure she knew was related, she said... "who's that, at the door http://bit.ly/2iasIjl?"*
*What it really all amounts to, though, is the whole world witnessing the Creation of Adam and Eve from a little girl stuttering out *"*the the*" at the sight of the Grinch http://bit.ly/2h1CUWe* himself, and then later **not even able *to get those words off her lips http://bit.ly/2gU3F4q... about seeing how Creation and modern art are inextricably tied to religion, to heaven, and to freedom.
*[image: Inline image 25] http://bit.ly/2xpvMQ2 *[image: Inline image 26] http://bit.ly/2ibtkVH
*The bottom line here, hopefully obvious now, is that you can't keep this message "simple" it's a Matrix woven between more points of light than I can count, and many more that I'm sure you will find. It's a key to seeing how God speaks to me, and to you; and how we are, we really are that voice. Tay, if you don't do something just because God called it "fate" you are significantly more enslaved than if you do--and you wanted to. "*Now I see that you and me, were never meant, *never meant to be* http://bit.ly/2gV75Ee..." she sang before I mentioned her, and before she ever saw me... in a song she calls "Nothing Left to Lose" and I see is not really just another word for freedom http://bit.ly/2gTKkjT.
We have plenty to lose by not starting the fire http://bit.ly/2gUzt9B, not the least of which is Heaven itself. Understand what "force majeure" really means *to you and I* http://bit.ly/2gUX3mH. Ha, *by the way.*
[image: Inline image 22] http://bit.ly/2gUX3mH
*IN CASE YOU http://bit.ly/2gUX3mHFORG http://bit.ly/2gUX3mHOT YESTERDA http://bit.ly/2xnEQ83Y'S MESSAGE http://bit.ly/2gTVp4B*
[image: Inline image 6] http://bit.ly/2gTVp4B
[image: Inline image 27] [image: Inline image 12]
VERUKA http://bit.ly/2xnZAwE SALT. whose name means "to see http://bit.ly/2xnZAwE *(if) you are* the Body of Christ http://bit.ly/2xnZAwE" whined, in the story of Will Why Won Ka, about nothing more or less than Heaven on Hearth, than seeing an end to needless torture and pain. To see if you are the "Salt of the Earth" warming the road http://bit.ly/2xnshJQ to Heaven; honestly to see if you can break through this inane lie of "I don't understand" and realize that breaking this story and talking about what is being presented not just by me and you but by history and God himself is the key to the car that drives us home. To see how Cupid you really are.
[image: Inline image 29]
The story of Willy Wonka ties directly to the Promised Land of Flowing Milk and Honey http://bit.ly/2xoA0rq to me; by showing us a river of chocolate http://bit.ly/2xp4slc and a *the everlasting God starter*, (er is it guardian of http://bit.ly/2xnEjD5 B stopper http://bit.ly/2h1qEFb) that opens the doors of perception about exactly what kinds of mistake may have been made in the past in this transition to Heaven that we are well on the way of *beginning*. Here, in the Land of Nod, that is also Eden and also the Heart of the Ark we see warnings about "flowing milk and honey" being akin to losing our stable ecosystem, to losing the stuff of life itself, biology and evolution, and if we don't understand--this is probably exactly the mistake that was made and the cause of the story of Cain and Abel. So here we are talking about genetic engineering and mind uploading and living forever, and hopefully seeing that while all things are possible with God--losing the wisdom of the message of religion is akin to losing life in the Universe and with that any hope of eternal longevity.
With some insight into religion, you can connect the idea that without bees our stable ecosystem might collapse, to the birds and the bees http://bit.ly/2xndFu1, and a message about stability and having more than one way to pollinate the flowers *and* trees and get some. Janet http://bit.ly/2gVcoTX and Nanna http://bit.ly/2xoA0rq, by the way, both have pretty brown eyes, but that probably comes as *no surprise* http://bit.ly/2gUztGD to you.
Miss Everything http://bit.ly/2xnEUVl, on the other hand (I hear, does not have brown eyes), leads us to glimpse how this message about the transition of our society might continue on in the New Testament, and suggest that we do need to eat, and have dinner conversation, and that a Last Supper might be a little bit more detrimental to our future than anyone had ever thought, over and over http://bit.ly/2xndPS9 and *over again*. To see how religion really does make clear that this is what the message is about, to replace the flowing milk we have a "Golden Cow" that epitomizes nothing less than "not listening to Adam" and we have a place that believes the Hammer http://bit.ly/2xo92Ab of Judah Maccabee should be ... extinct. *You are wrong.*
[image: Inline image 30] http://bit.ly/2xnEjD5
Of course the *vibrating light* here ties this Gene to another musical piece disclosing something... "Wild Thing http://bit.ly/2gT39Uy" I make your heart sing. You can believe the Guitar Man is here to steal the show and deliver bread for the hungry and for the wise http://bit.ly/2ibkQOv*. *Here's some, it's not just Imagine Dragons http://bit.ly/2h2ETti telling you to *listen to the radio http://bit.ly/2xndUoV but Jefferson Starshiptoo, and Live. http://bit.ly/2gVkZ9e *
*When you wake up, you can hear God "singing http://bit.ly/2h1CUWe" to you on the radio every single day; many of us already do. He's telling http://bit.ly/2i96pti you to listen to me http://bit.ly/2sBy5Zs, and I do not understand why you do not. You don't look very Cupid, if you ask me.*
[image: Inline image 31] http://bit.ly/2xo92Ab [image: Inline image 32] http://bit.ly/2gUVgxO [image: Inline image 33] http://bit.ly/2xo2MbD *F O O T* *T H E F T* *O F O U R* *CHR is *♂
[image: Inline image 14] [image: Inline image 28]
I think we all know what the Rod of Jesus Christ is by now.
[image: Inline image 35] http://bit.ly/2xnsNrg
It is a large http://bit.ly/2ibvGUT *glowing* testament to freedom http://bit.ly/2gVIMWR and truth http://bit.ly/2gZe0Xd, and a statement about *blindness http://bit.ly/2xoVNiH* and evil that is *unmistakable*. To say that seeing it is the gateway to Heaven would be an understatement of it's worth, of the implication that *not seeing it* is obvious Hell when it is linked to everything from nearly every story of the Holy Bible from Isaac to Isaiah to "*behold he is to coming*" and if you weren't sure if the Hand of God were in action here--it's very clear http://bit.ly/2xo5EoQ that it is; that linking Tricky Dick http://bit.ly/2gTO4SF and *Watergate* to *Seagate* ... really delivering *crystal clear understanding* that the foundation of Heaven is freedom and that you have none today because you refuse to see the truth http://bit.ly/2gU3F4q.
It is the doorway to seeing that what has been going on in this place hasn't been designed to hide me, but to hide a prosperous future from you--to hide the truth about our existence and the purpose of Creation--that all told, you are standing at the doorstep of Heaven and stammering your feet, closing your eyes, and saying "*you don't want to help anyone.*"
[image: Inline image 36]
*If delivering freedom, truth, and equality to you does not a den make,* *well, you can all suck it*
... from God http://bit.ly/2gUdzmA, *to you http://bit.ly/2gU4ryG.*
[image: Inline image 37] http://bit.ly/2gU3F4q [image: Inline image 6] http://bit.ly/2hZlb5Z [image: Inline image 5] http://bit.ly/2gWcbzV BLOWING KISSES MY WAY. NOT LIKE THAT. CANT YOU DO ANYTHING RIGHT? [image: Inline image 13] http://bit.ly/2xoENZC[image: Inline image 8] http://bit.ly/2gTt2DK
Between Stargate and Star Trek it's pretty easy to see a roadmap to very quickly and easily be able to end world hunger and heal the sick without drastically changing the way our society works, it's about as simple as a microwave, or a new kind of medicine--except it's not so easy to see why it is that you are so reluctant to talk about the truth that makes these things so easy to do. You see, your lack of regard for anyone anywhere has placed you in a position of weakness, and if you do nothing today, you will not be OK tomorrow.
It's pretty easy to see how Roddenberry's name shows that this message comes from God, that he's created this map that starts with an Iron Rod throughout our history proving Creation, whose heart is a Den of Family who care about the truth, and about freedom, and about helping each other--not what you are--you are not that today. Today you are sick, and I'd like you to look at the mirror http://bit.ly/2h2wbLP he's made for you, this wall that cares not for the sick, or the starving, or even for itself... but stands for nothing but "being aligned with the winner" and *be ashamed http://bit.ly/2xo36ag. *
[image: Inline image 13]
*Realize, realize... what you are. What you've become, just as I have... the devil in a sweet, sweet kiss.*
*-Dave J. Matthews*
[image: Inline image 1] http://bit.ly/2gTVp4B
(( *𐌰**𐌼**𐌿**𐌳**𐌹**𐌼* http://bit.ly/2xo36qM )) http://bit.ly/2xntb9c
http://bit.ly/2xntcKi *r* * i* *d* * i* *c* * u* *l* *o* *u* *s* [image: Inline image 14]
on o us, *ridiculous.*
[image: Inline image 13] for those of you that haven't been following along:
- *so b* http://bit.ly/2xnEjD5, how the book of *tobit* and Adam's *rib* light the *apple* of da i - *os* http://bit.ly/2gUrCbY, from "*original sin*" to "*ob*viously salvation" - *bush* http://bit.ly/2xntmBo, blindness... u *see how http://bit.ly/2xnshJQ* - *bp http://bit.ly/2xocI4M, stop simulating oil spills and car/horse crashes* - *bereshit* http://bit.ly/2gUE2k3, stop simulating hunger and sickness - *kermitham* http://bit.ly/2gTVp4B, stop simulating earthquakes and terrorism - *gate* http://bit.ly/2xosUTI, stop simulating the Empire of Star Wars, 1984, and Exodus - take a *look http://bit.ly/2gUs3D8*, we're in a *book* http://bit.ly/2gVc7jT; reading delivers *rainwow.*
[image: Inline image 11] http://bit.ly/2gT5rTE [image: Inline image 12] http://bit.ly/2gT5rTE
*Min to Supermax"* http://bit.ly/2xmZ7dW
http://bit.ly/2gT5vCS http://bit.ly/2gU60we
behold, I are coming...
*go go gadget den.*
THESE ARE THE DROIDS YOU ARE LOOKING FOR http://bit.ly/2xoayCd http://bit.ly/2xmZcOM
THESE ARE PEOPLE http://bit.ly/2gT5zm6 http://bit.ly/2gW2tOl
PERSON v. PHONE http://bit.ly/2xoEG0s http://bit.ly/2gVQ1Ol
http://bit.ly/2xojh7E *blessing http://bit.ly/2gTYUIh in http://bit.ly/2xnvsBg disguise http://bit.ly/2xoefIf* (*plural* *blessings in disguise http://bit.ly/2xojibI*)
1. (idiomatic http://bit.ly/2xoEJta) A seeming misfortune http://bit.ly/2gTrbyy that turns out to be for the best.
In modern society, the proverb "*blood is thicker than water*" is used to imply that family relationships are always more important than friends.
The equivalent proverb http://bit.ly/2xmZoO0 in German (originally: *Blut ist dicker als Wasser*), first appeared in a different form in the medieval German http://bit.ly/2xoEIFC beast epic http://bit.ly/2gTrglQ *Reinhart Fuchs* (c. 1180; English: *Reynard the Fox*) by Heinrich der Glîchezære http://bit.ly/2gUYDF9. The 13th-century Heidelberg manuscript reads in part, "ouch hoer ich sagen, das sippe blůt von wazzere niht verdirbet" (lines 265-266). In English we read, "I also hear it said, kin-blood is not spoiled by water."
Authors Albert Jack[5] http://bit.ly/2gUYFgf and R. Richard Pustelniak[6] http://bit.ly/2xnBty5 claim the original meaning of the expression was that the ties between people who've made a blood covenant were stronger than ties formed by "the water of the womb". However, no known historical sources predating the modern era contain the blood-covenant version of the expression.
The use of the word "blood" to refer to kin or familial relations has roots dating back to Greek and Roman traditions.[7] http://bit.ly/2gUYIIX. This usage of the term was common in the English-speaking world at least as early as the mid 1300s. Because English speakers around that time would have understood the word "blood" as referring to family, it is likely that the use of "blood" in the expression "blood is thicker than water" would also have been understood by English speakers referring to family.
Although not specifically related to the expression "blood is thicker than water", H.C. Trumbull notes an interesting comparison of blood and milk in the Arab world:
" We, in the West, are accustomed to say that "blood is thicker than water" ; but the Arabs have the idea that blood is thicker than milk, than a mother's milk. With them, any two children nourished at the same breast are called "milk-brothers," or "sucking brothers"; and the tie between such is very strong. [..] But the Arabs hold that brothers in the covenant of blood are closer than brothers at a common breast; that those who have tasted each other's blood are in a surer covenant than those who have tasted the same milk together ; that "blood-lickers," as the blood-brothers http://bit.ly/2gTrj10 are sometimes called, are more truly one than "milk-brothers," or "sucking brothers"; that, indeed, blood is thicker than milk, as well as thicker than water.[8] http://bit.ly/2xnBySp "
More recently, Aldous Huxley http://bit.ly/2xnBAtv's *Ninth Philosopher's Song* (1920) approached the proverb differently, stating, "Blood, as all men know, than water's thicker / But water's wider, thank the Lord, than blood."[9] http://bit.ly/2xmZFk0 "Blood is thicker than water" is:
- the title of a series of mixtapes http://bit.ly/2xnBF0h by Nu Jerzey Devil http://bit.ly/2gTrnhg, The Game http://bit.ly/2gTrolk, Black Wall Street Records http://bit.ly/2gUYSQz, Dipset http://bit.ly/2xnBJ01 and Lil Wayne http://bit.ly/2gTrr0u, produced by DJ Haze http://bit.ly/2xnBP7T.[10] http://bit.ly/2gTrv0e - a song title by Impaled Nazarene http://bit.ly/2gTrwBk, off the 1994 album *Suomi Finland Perkele http://bit.ly/2gTrx8m*. - a song title by Black Label Society http://bit.ly/2xmZWDy, off the album *Shot to Hell http://bit.ly/2xmZXY8*. - a book by W. A. Hoffman, now out of print.[11] http://bit.ly/2gUYZeX [12] http://bit.ly/2xnBWAl - tattooed on the forearm of NBA player Trevor Ariza http://bit.ly/2xn0460, dedicated to his little brother who fell out of a window when he was 6 years old.[13] http://bit.ly/2gTrEki
"Thicker than water" is:
- the name of a 1997 album and song by H2O http://bit.ly/2gTrFVo - a tattoo that M. Shadows http://bit.ly/2xn06e8 of Avenged Sevenfold http://bit.ly/2gUZ2Yb had across his chest.[14] http://bit.ly/2xoJzq0 - the name of a tattoo http://bit.ly/2xnvwRw studio at 181 Avenue B in New York City http://bit.ly/2xohPlE.[15] http://bit.ly/2gUZ6Hp[16] http://bit.ly/2xohS0O - the English translation of the name of a 2014 Swedish TV show, *Tjockare än vatten*.[17] http://bit.ly/2xohTBU - the 2000 documentary surf film http://bit.ly/2gUZ8Px directed by singer/songwriter Jack Johnson and his film school friend Chris Malloy. - the title of the 8th episode http://bit.ly/2xnvFEy of the American TV series Under the Dome http://bit.ly/2gUZaa7. - the title of the 1st episode of the American reality TV series The Real Housewives of New Jersey http://bit.ly/2gTrNEm.
*BLOOD IS THICKER THAN WATER* 1. Water into blood (דָם): Ex. 7:14–24[edit http://bit.ly/2gTrOIq]
This is what the LORD says: By this you will know that I am the LORD: With the staff that is in my hands I will strike the water of the Nile, and it will be changed into blood. The fish in the Nile will die, and the river will stink and the Egyptians will not be able to drink its water. — Exodus 7:17–18
*Nu* (also *Nenu, Nunu, Nun*), feminine *Naunet* (also *Nunut, Nuit, Nent, Nunet*), is the deification of the primordial watery http://bit.ly/2i4iJeF abyss http://bit.ly/2i4qSj6 in the Hermopolitan Ogdoad http://bit.ly/2hlbnz3 cosmogony http://bit.ly/2hl6rKM of ancient Egyptian religion http://bit.ly/2h1gUuH. The name is paralleled with *nen* "inactivity" in a play of words in, "I raised them up from out of the watery mass [*nu*], out of inactivity [*nen*]". The name has also been compared Coptic *noun* "abyss; deep".[1] http://bit.ly/2gTrSYG Nut is also the name of the sky goddess of the Ennead http://bit.ly/2i4gNTp of Heliopolis http://bit.ly/2hlfQ4T. The name is spelled phonetically with the *nw* hieroglyph [image: W24] (may be repeated three times), with the determiners "sky http://bit.ly/2i4mTTE" [image: N1] and waters http://bit.ly/2hla7wb" [image: N35A] . An alternative phonetic spelling used the phonogram *nn* [image: M22] [image: M22] . [2] http://bit.ly/2gUvFoG *Joshua* /ˈdʒɒʃuə/ http://bit.ly/2gUZfdV or *Jehoshua* (Hebrew http://bit.ly/2iaVLU3: יְהוֹשֻׁעַ *Yĕhôshúʿa*; Aramaic http://bit.ly/2gVa5jY: ܝܫܘܥ *Isho*; ᐧ