Is it unit tested?
If so, then I forgive you ;-) .
Yes. Not every single method, but all the important bits are unit tested.
Then the code doesn't need to be clean. People can refactor it to cleanliness without fearing that they are destroying it.
Is there documentation about how to use this code?
Some -- in german, in the thesis. Frankly, finishing 30k lines of code and 220 pages of thesis in 7 monthes proved to be a bit tight :)
Which pages of the thesis?
Are you planning to do more work on this, or are you moving on to
other things?
If I can, I would try to continue working on this. Currently I'm planning to finish university by the end of the year, and I don't know yet how i'll be earning my living then. Preferrably, by working on
-- or something similarly wiki-related, my head is full of ideas :)
Might be hard to earn a living working on this but who knows.