Jakob Voss wrote:
I just read about Kasper Souren's work at Mali and the Fulfulde Wikipedia ( see http://ff.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ndimaagu ). I asked myself how to manage such small Wikipedias - especially how to avoid spam and vandalism. So here is research question:
- How can small (language) Wikimedia Wikis be managed efectively?
This is not an appropriate question for this list. We need to be clear on the purpose of this list. This list is for people doing research *about* Wikipedia/Wikimedia, not for the work of Erik's research committee.
I envision this list as a low-volume list primarily for _academic_ researchers (but not exclusively academics) who are working on articles for publication about Wikimedia stuff. It will not serve that audience if we spend a lot of time here discussing ideas of how to better manage our work, etc.