Hi Rami, DBpedia Spotlight has a direct disambiguation function: http://dbpedia.org/spotlight You can mark the detected entities you would like to have disambiguated with [[ ]] in the text, I think The tools is also Internationalized right now for several languages, although I am not sure what the current status of that is.
Of course there are many other tools that probably do the same. You could check the related work section here: http://blog.semantic-web.at/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/p1_mendes.pdf and also http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Knowledge_extraction#Entity_Linking
If you need to interchange services easily and want to have a unified interface, there is the NLP Interchange Format, which is : http://nlp2rdf.org/nif-1-0#toc-named-entity-recognition-and-entity-linking
Note that I have no actual hands-on experience with the services. Somebody else could answer that part better :)
All the best, Sebastian
On 11/20/2011 08:48 PM, Rami Al-Rfou' wrote:
Hi All,
I am working on a project where I need to identify entities in a text and link them back to Wikipedia articles or freebase IDs. I can detect the entities but I need a system that can disambiguate them. As I noticed many systems use Wikipedia as a backend for knowledge. I would like to hear your opinion regarding any previous experiences dealing with any of the different available systems. I tried till now Wikipedia miner, and the problem it can not detect most of the _real_ ambiguous situations. For example, the American town called Hebronhttp://wikipedia-miner.cms.waikato.ac.nz/demos/annotate/?source=Hebron+is+a+town+in+Boone+Township%2C+Porter+County%2C+Indiana%2C+United+States.+The+population+was+3%2C724+at+the+2010+census.&sourceMode=AUTO&repeatMode=ALL&minProbability=0. Accuracy can be traded in case the system is really fast as we are planning to process huge amount of data.
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