On 6/27/05, Joseph Reagle joseph.2003@reagle.org wrote:
lines of "is it really necessary for wikiphiles to use off-wiki methods of communication? what are the pros and cons?"
I'm of the philosophy that one should use the right tool/media for the task. For example, I hate checking Web pages to see if something changed: events should be "broadcast" (or at least made available for a pull).
Up with "push" wiki extensions!
Of course the advantages to wiki-style email is that you could easily retain two different IDs for each message; the core ID of a particular message, and the revision ID of the latest-updated version of it... With email discussions as with articles, there are both discussion messages and the rarer content messages; it would be likewise interesting to distinguish the two.
Not sure I'm following you here but it sounds as if you would like a thread-id?
No, threads are distinct; I assume you still have a thread-id, even if via some hackish linked-list referrer-matching. On the simplest level I want a message-id, and the ability to edit my messages later.
On a more complex level, more people than the original author may be able to edit the original message. It's still the same message; it still spawned whatever thread surrounded it... but it now has more lasting value because it isn't instantly flat and dated.