======================================================================== =========== Eighteenth International ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia (HT 07).
*** Hypertext, The Web, and Beyond: Five Autonomous Programmes, One Unified Conference ***
Dates: September, 10 – 12, 2007 Location: Manchester, UK Conference Website: http://www.ht07.org/ RSS News Feed: http://www.sigweb.org/ht07/news/atom.xml
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Hypertext and hypermedia involve a diverse range of technologies that support structured knowledge. The Eighteenth International ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia is operating under the banner "Five Autonomous Programmes, One Unified Conference" to reflect that although there is a wide range of research areas within the community, all have a common interest in hypertext and hypermedia. The conference will take place over 3 days, with each of the Five Autonomous Programmes having a dedicated session. There will also be scheduled sessions for the additional programmes that will take place at the conference.
Preliminary Programme Schedule (http://www.sigweb.org/ht07/programme/) -----------------------------------------------------
Sunday 9th September 2007 ********************************** -- Sunday Night Social: Joins us for informal drinks in 'Kro Bar 2' Not included in the Conference Programme
Monday 10th September 2007 *********************************** -- Session 1: Keynote Address - Prof. Carole Goble - The Return of the Prodigal Web -- Session 2: Practical Hypertext Programme (1) 1. Experiments Toward Reverse Linking on the Web 2. User-Assisted Similarity Estimation for Searching Related Web Pages 3. Lesson Learnt from a Large-Scale Industrial Semantic Web Application -- Session 3: Posters, Demonstrations, and the Reading Room (1) 1. SEMPort - A Personalized Semantic Portal 2. Experiments Towards Web 2.0 Accessibility 3. Qtag: Introducing the Qualitative Tagging System 4. Search habits of the Computer Literate 5. Tags, Networks, Narrative: Exploring the use of social software for the study of narrative in digital contexts 6. Using forum in an organizational learning context 7. A Study into User Perceptions of Information Sharing and Trust in Virtual Teams 8. Interaction Visualization in Web-Based Learning using iGraphs 9. Predicting and Solving Web Navigation Problems 10. An Evaluation of Identity on Online Social Networking: Myspace 11. Visual Features in Genre Classification of HTML 12. Wiki literacy - Sandbox Knowledge for the Net 13. Progressive Enhancement in the Real World -- Session 4: Practical Hypertext Programme (2) 1. Real users, real results: examining the limitations of learning styles within AEH 2. HSTP : Hyperspeech Transfer Protocol 3. LLAMA: Automatic Hypertext Generation Utilizing Language Models 4. Clustering as an approach to support the automatic definition of semantic hyperlinks -- Social: Welcome Drinks Reception and Museum Tour
Tuesday 11th September 2007 ************************************ -- Session 5: Hypertext & The Person Programme 1. Revealing the hidden ethnography of user browsing behaviour 2. User-Tailored Web Accessibility Evaluations 3. Simplifying Web Traversals By Recognising Behaviour Patterns -- Session 6: Hypertext Culture & Communication Programme 1. Assembly Lines: Web Generators as Hypertexts 2. If the Web is a Page + Links, the Semantic Web is a...? 3. The Evolution of Authorship in a Remix Society -- Session 7: Posters, Demonstrations, and the Reading Room (2) 1. Physio-cybertext: Respiratory Narrative and Receptive De-intentionalisation 2. Strong vs. Weak Links: Making Processes Prevail Over Structure in Navigational Design 3. Image Seeds: A Communal Picture-based Narrative 4. Adaptive incremental browsing of ontology structure 5. Incorporating Culture in User-interface: A Case Study of Older Adults in Malaysia 6. Transforming DITA Topics for Speech Synthesis Output 7. Towards Interactive Learning by Concept Ordering 8. Ontology based course navigation 9. A Semantic Tool to Support Navigation in a Folksonomy 10. Collaborative Annotation-Driven Adaptation in Web Portals 11. A Study of Publisher, Writer and Reader: Different Perspectives on Digital Fiction 12. Hypertext Applications 13. Dynamic Link Service 2.0: using Wikipedia as a linkbase -- Session 8: Hypertext & Society Programme (1) 1. Towards Better Understanding of Folksonomic Patterns 2. Collaborative Classification of Growing Collections with Evolving Facets 3. Does it matter who contributes? - A study on featured articles in the German Wikipedia 4. Structural Analysis of Virtual Community in Social Hypertext Networks -- Dinner: Conference Dinner -- Session 9: After Dinner Keynote Address - Prof. Wendy Hall - Back to the Future with Hypertext
Wednesday 12th September 2007 **************************************** -- Session 10: Hypertext Models & Theory Programme 1. An Agile Hypertext Design Methodology 2. Architecting Structure-Aware Applications - The Structure Model 3. Adaptation Engineering: A Semantics-based Aspect- Oriented Approach -- Session 11: Hypertext & Society Programme (2) 1. ASSIST: Adaptive Social Support for Information Space Traversal 2. Annotation Consensus: Implications for Passage Recommendation in Scientific Literature 3. Analysis of Online Video Search and Sharing -- Session 12: Closing Plenary - Theodor Holm Nelson and Robert Adamson Smith - BACK TO THE FUTURE: Hypertext the Way It Used To Be -- Open to the Public: Cafe Scientifique Event - Dr Mark Bernstein - Unlinked and Entangled -- Stopping Over Social: Joins us for an informal curry along Manchester's 'Curry Mile' Not included in the Conference Programme
Keynotes --------------- - Carole Goble (School of Computer Science - University of Manchester, UK) - Wendy Hall (Computer Science - University of Southampton, UK) - Theodor Holm Nelson - Closing Plenary
Humanities Honour Scheme ----------------------------------------- In order to support and continue with the interdisciplinary aspect of the Hypertext conferences, the "Humanities Honour Sceme" is introduced. With this scheme we would like to ensure that attendees from Humanities get as much discounts as Computer Scientists.
Creche - Sponsored by Hoppers (http://www.sigweb.org/ht07/information/creche.php) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---- Hypertext 2007 will be able to provide free creche services to delegates with small children. The creche can have child carers for children aged 6 months and above. - Creche registrations deadline: 15th August, 2007
Registration Fees (http://www.sigweb.org/ht07/information/registration.php) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------- - Online Registration is now open - Deadline for early registration: 1 August, 2007
ACM Member -- Early: £240 (GBP), Regular: £290 (GBP), On the Door: £310 (GBP) Humanities Honour Scheme -- Early: £240 (GBP), Regular: £340 (GBP), On the Door: £360 (GBP) Non-ACM Member -- Early: £300 (GBP), Regular: £340 (GBP), On the Door: £360 (GBP) Student -- Early: £160 (GBP), Regular: £200 (GBP), On the Door: £230 (GBP)
Sponsors --------------- ACM Special Interest Group on Hypermedia and the Web (SIGWEB - http:// www.sigweb.org/) Hoppers @ KWeb (http://hoppers-kweb.cs.manchester.ac.uk/) The University Of Manchester (http://www.manchester.ac.uk/) The Information Management Group (http://img.cs.manchester.ac.uk/) The ACM Student Research Competition - sponsored by Microsoft Research (http://research.microsoft.com/) Eastgate Systems (http://www.eastgate.com/) Taylor & Francis Group (http://www.taylorandfrancisgroup.com/)