To clarify: it's incorrect that Wikiversity is not focused on research; research is one of the core focuses of Wikiversity, complementing learning resources and learning activities. Just like other learning 'institutions', research is seen as an educational activity, and as a driver of further knowledge and resources. It's always been a core focus to get researchers (including, but not limited to, on wikis) together on Wikiversity - to share and discuss each other's work, and to collaborate on further work. However, I admit this isn't so clear from the main page, so I'll edit that now. :-)
Conversely, I'd also like a bit more clarity on what WikiScience aims to do, and how it aims to do it. For example, it seems that there is an explicit aim to integrate other tools alongside a wiki in this work
- is that right? It would be good, in general, to expand on its scope
and vision - as well as an indication of the activity/people/organisation behind it so far. That might help set a foundation for further development and collaboration. ;-)
Cheers, Cormac
Ok now... I didn't mean to say that research how no place at Wikiversity - I was just under the impression that it's not the main focus. But I may be wrong there.
In my mind, comparing the proposed research wiki to Wikiversity is odd, because Wikiversity is so much broader in scope. Comparing it to Wikiversitie's "Wikimedia Studies" portal makes more sense to me. And there is indeed some overlap.
Now, I don't know exactly what Filipe has in mind, but from what I understand of Wikiversity, and what I would like WikiScience to be, here are the main points I see for WikiScience:
* It would be a place to write abut individual projects, wiki engines, frameworks, etc. * WikiScience would be a place to collect, share and document individual tools and libraries. * WikiScience would offer additional services, such as a dedicated news feed or a mailing list (though perhaps Wiki-research-l is sufficient, if we replace "Wikimedia" in the title by "Wiki"). Maye there could even be a repository for code and data. * Bibliographies would of course also be important -- though I also see that for Wikiversity. Maybe they could be federated somehow? (btw, cooperation with the openlibrary is currently pondered)
In short, I imagine WikiScience would be the place for me to go when I want to find a tool for a specific task, or discuss experiences with specific problems with fellow researchers. While Wikiversity is where I would go when I want to get an overview of the results of research done on wikis, to "learn about wikis". Also, by nature, Wikiversity focuses on wikimedia, while WikiScience would not automatically -- though of course Wikipedia is the most common research subject.
Anyway... I don't think the effort is redundant, just like Wookipedia is not redundant to Portal:Star_Wars. But we should of course be careful not to fragment community and content. So, let's cooperate and work on making these things *complementary*.
-- daniel