== Call for Contributions == 2nd Workshop on Scientific Communities of Practice (SCooP) on June 27th 2008 at Jacobs University Bremen. http://jem-thematic.net/seminar/scoop2008
== Overview == SCooP aims at joining people from different fields, such as math, computer science, chemistry, physics, biology etc., who are interested in Community of Practice (CoPs). The workshop shall facilitate the exchange of experiences and implementations. In particular, to address questions such as:
* What are scientific or educational practices in educational and scientific communities? * Can these practice be automatically detected/ collected/ or modeled? * What are implementations for CoPs? * Which features make these tools so attractive and how do they support (practices of) CoPs?
Papers (including position papers and research proposals) on the theoretic aspects of scientific and educational CoPs as well as system descriptions and demonstrations of respective systems, prototypes, and mock ups are welcome!
== Important dates == * Submission of title and abstract: May 16th (via email at c.mueller@jacobs-university.de ) * Submission of papers: May 30th * Notification of acceptance: June 6th * Camera ready copies due: June 20th (approximately) * Workshop in Bremen: June 27th
== Registration and Accommodation == * Accommodations are available on Campus of the Jacobs University Bremen, please contact c.mueller@jacobs-university.de for details * Registration via http://jem-thematic.net/seminar/scoop2008
== Further Links == * SCooP Mailing List: http://lists.jacobs-university.de/mailman/listinfo/project-scoop * SCooP Interest Group at http://jem-thematic.net/sig/scoop
The workshop is funded by the Joining Educational Mathematics Network http://jem-thematic.net/