To Wikipedia researchers,
My name is Dr. Kotaro Nakayama from Osaka University in Japan. I would like to announce our latest visualization system for Wikipedia Thesaurus, a huge scale "association" thesaurus, based on Java applet. It allows users to see the relation network among concepts (articles) in Wikipedia. (Please click on the "NetVis" to show the network for a concept)
We did not just visualize the link structure of Wikipedia, but we calculated the relatedness for all concepts in Wikipedia using pfibf (Path Frequency - Inversed Backward link Frequency) analogous to tf-idf in information retrieval (See "Wikipedia Mining for An Association Web Thesaurus Construction" in WISE2007 for more information if you are interested).
We are conducting several projects such as Wikipedia Thesaurus (Since 2005), Wikipedia Bilingual Dictionary, Wikipedia API and Wikipedia Ontology. Detailed information about our activities can be found under the following URL.
There is no doubt that Wikipedia is an invaluable corpus for knowledge extraction and this is the time to boost the research up by collaborating each other. I hope our research is of interest to you.
Sincerely yours, Kotaro Nakayama