Dear all,
Your suggestions are needed on the ways in which one can construct some sensible baselines, most likely based on data sets *external* to Wikipedia projects, of *expected* Wikipedia language versions development.
Such baselines should ideally indicate, given the availability of language users and content (some numbers based on external data sets), a certain language version should have expected number of articles/active users.
As previous research has suggested that Wikipedia activities need mutually-reinforcing cycles of participation, content, and readership, it is expected that the development of a Wikipedia language version is conditioned by the availability of (digitally) literate users and (possibly digitized) content/sources.
So the assumption is:
Wikipedia Activities = Some function of (available users and content)
For example, the major non-English writing languages in the world such as Arabic, Chinese, Spanish, etc., may have different numbers of Internet users and digital content. These numbers indicate the basis on which a Wikipedia language version can develop.
One practical use of this baseline measurement is to better categorize/curate activities across Wikipedia language versions. We can then better come up with expected values of Wikipedia development, and thus categorize language versions accordingly based on the *external conditions* of available/potential users and content.
Another use of this baseline measurement is to better compare the development of different language versions. It should help answer questions such as (1) whether Korean language version is *underdeveloped* on Wikipedia platforms when compared with a language version that enjoys similar number of available/potential users and content.
The current similar external baseline data is probably the number of language speakers. My hunch is that it is not good enough in taking into accounts the available/potential users and content, especially the digitally-ready one.
So I welcome you to add to the following list, any external indicators (and possibly data sources) that may help to construct such base line.
==Indicators== * Internet users for each language (probably approximate measurement based on CLDR Territory-Language information and ITU internet penetration rates.
* Number of books published annually in different languages (suggested data sources? Does ISBN have a database or stat report on published languages?)
* Number of web pages returned by major search engines on the queries of "Wikipedia" in different languages, excluding results from Wikimedia projects.
* Number of scholarly publications across languages (suggested data sources?)
* Number of major newspaper publications across languages (suggested data sources?)
Please share your thoughts!