As a folow-up to my suggestion to invite researchers to this mailing list, here are some I was thinking of, along with some titles of the papers they wrote, to give an impression:
* Andrew Gregorowicz and Mark A. Kramer (MITRE): "Mining a Large-Scale Term-Concept Network from Wikipedia", 2006 * Kataro Nakayama, Takahiro Hara, and Shojiro Nishio (University of Osaka): "Wikipedia Mining for an Association Web Thesaurus Construction", 2007 * Rada Mihalcea (University of North Texas): "Using Wikipedia for Automatic Word Sense Disambiguation", 2007 * E. Gabrilovich and S. Markovich (Israel Institute of Technology): "Computing Semantic Relatedness using Wikipedia-based Explicit Semantic Analysis", 2007 * Rainer Hammwöhner (Uni Regensburg): "Qualitätsaspekte der Wikipedia", 2007 * Sören Auer and Jens Lehmann (Uni Leipzig): "DBpedia: A Nucleus ofor a Web of Open Data", 2007 * Michael Strube and Simone Ponzetto (EML Research): "Creating a Knowledge Base from a Collaboratively Generated Encyclopedia", 2007 * Torsten Zesch and Iryna Gurevych (TU Darmstadt): "Analysis of the Wikipedia Category Graph for NLP Applications"
I have omitted several of whom I believe that they are already on this list, including Jakob Voss, Markus Krötzsch, Denny Vrandecic, Gerard Meijssen and Barend Mons. I believe the people mentioned above could have an interest in this mailing list, and it would sure be great to hear the latest about their research from them.
Can you think of any other people you would like to have on this list? Should we just ask them?
-- Daniel