Hi all
The first stage in the campaign to introduce WP as part of the fact-checking curriculum in primary and secondary schools i n Australia was launched last week with the publication of the following article.
The title (chosen by eds not us) is a bit 'off' as we are talking about lateral reading and quick fact-checking not research (though arguably these notions are intertwined) but it has been useful in terms of generating debate and attention, which I guess was the goal.
cheers, Mathieu
https://theconversation.com/students-are-told-not-to-use-wikipedia-for-resea... [https://images.theconversation.com/files/429888/original/file-20211103-25-n3...]https://theconversation.com/students-are-told-not-to-use-wikipedia-for-research-but-its-a-trustworthy-source-168834 Students are told not to use Wikipedia for research. But it's a trustworthy sourcehttps://theconversation.com/students-are-told-not-to-use-wikipedia-for-research-but-its-a-trustworthy-source-168834 At a time when it’s increasingly difficult to separate truth from falsehood, Wikipedia is an accessible tool for fact-checking and fighting misinformation. theconversation.com