... There’s also a related ... project that was piloted a few months ago to try and gauge gender gap in specific segments of the editor population or editor lifecycle via microsurveys.... I’d love to hear from other parties interested in using this model, which I think is promising....
Having run a mildly successful retention-oriented survey of about 330 enwiki administrators which caused me to be accused of violating a proposed but unadopted research policy, I am still undeterred.
Were there any follow ups to the "annual" editor survey from 2011? A blog post says the survey was anticipated to be annual. There is a page about a 2012 annual survey on Meta but no results are posted and it appears no follow up surveys were completed in 2012 or 2013....
As Tilman noted in the section of the report about surveys, at this stage it’s not clear if there’s bandwidth to run these surveys on an annual basis.
Is there any reason to think that the Foundation is more competent at administering such surveys than the community?