Did we mention that WikiSym will be co-located with Wikimania in 2013? So if we find special funding for subgroups, folks will be able to attend both events more easily!
On 05.12.2012 23:06, Dirk Riehle wrote:
Hi Heather, everyone:
which don't seem to be academic conferences. And I meant that when you have broader events like the latter, you're able to get funding for specific groups to be represented, whereas with an academic conference, you're limited by the academic pool and less participation funding. Unless I'm wrong, Dirk? Do you guys have funding to focus on involving more women, for example?
Would love to see that! Alas, it always hinges on someone doing the work. We have not been very good in the past in raising funds for specific groups.
The Wikimedia Foundation has been good to us, sponsoring WikiSym in the past. For 2013, we hope for continued sponsorship. Should we specifically request money for particular subgroups?
In general, if someone reads this and really would like to help raise funds for a particular subgroup and be involved in WikiSym + OpenSym, please put out your little finger and we'll grab your hand!
Cheers, Dirk