The Wikipedia:Research policy on subject recruitment on Wikipedia has made its way through RFC and is now accepted as a policy on English Wikipedia.
Thanks to all who helped draft and shape the policy. In the coming weeks, look for the creation of SubjectRecruitmentBot, and the starting of SRAG (the Subject Recruitment Approvals Group). Drop by the talk page and say hello if you're interested in helping.
-- Bryan Song GroupLens Research University of Minnesota
On Tue, 2 Mar 2010 12:50:04 -0600 (CST), (Bryan T Song) said:
After several months of work by WikiProject Research, the research policy proposal Wikipedia:Research that we announced earlier has been posted at RFC:
We invite your participation as we push forward with turning this proposal into a Wikipedia policy.
-- Bryan Song GroupLens Research University of Minnesota
On Tue, 5 Jan 2010 14:21:52 -0600 (CST), (Bryan T Song) said:
Pursuant to prior discussions about the need for a research policy on Wikipedia, WikiProject Research is drafting a policy regarding the recruitment of Wikipedia users to participate in studies.
At this time, we have a proposed policy, and an accompanying group that would facilitate recruitment of subjects in much the same way that the Bot Approvals Group approves bots.
The policy proposal can be found at:
The Subject Recruitment Approvals Group mentioned in the proposal is being described at:
Before we move forward with seeking approval from the Wikipedia community, we would like additional input about the proposal, and would welcome additional help improving it.
Also, please consider participating in WikiProject Research at:
-- Bryan Song GroupLens Research University of Minnesota
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