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Edited Volume "The People's Web Meets NLP: Collaboratively Constructed Language Resources"
http://www.ukp.tu-darmstadt.de/scientific-community/edited-book-the-peoples-... -meets-nlp
Springer book series: "Theory and Applications of Natural Language Processing", E. Hovy, M. Johnson and G. Hirst (eds.)
Iryna Gurevych and Jungi Kim
The application of collective intelligence in the domain of language yielded collaboratively constructed language resources (CCLR) that can be used in a variety of ways. For example, Wikipedia, Wiktionary, and other language resources constructed through crowdsourcing such as Games with a Purpose and Mechanical Turk have been used in many ways in NLP. Researchers started using such resources to substitute for or supplement conventional lexical semantic resources such as WordNet or linguistically annotated corpora in different NLP tasks. Another research direction is to utilize NLP techniques to enhance the collaboration process and its outcome. Overall the emergence of CCLRs has generated new challenges to the research field that are to be addressed in the present book. As the research field of CCLRs matures, it has become necessary to summarize a set of results to advance and focus the further research effort.
The aim of this book is to capture the state-of-the-art in the emerging area of research on "Collaboratively constructed language resources." Thus, a point of reference on the topics of construction, mining, using and interconnecting collaboratively constructed language resources for natural language processing, knowledge discovery and other intelligent applications will be created
Specific topics include but are not limited to:
* Using CCLRs and the information mined from them for NLP tasks, such as word sense disambiguation, semantic role labeling, information retrieval, text categorization, information extraction, question answering, etc.; * Mining social and collaborative content for constructing structured lexical semantic resources, annotated corpora and the corresponding tools; * Analyzing the structure of CCLRs related to their use in NLP; * Computational linguistics studies of CCLRS, such as wiki-based platforms or folksonomies; * Structural and semantic interoperability of CCLRs with conventional semantic resources and between themselves; * Mining multilingual information from CCLRs; * Using special features of CCLRs to create novel resource types, for example revision-based corpora, simplified versions of resources, etc.; * Quality and reliability of collaboratively constructed lexical semantic resources and annotated corpora.
Further interactions can be spanned across the disciplinary boundaries, for example constructing language resources from user-generated contents through the collaborations with the research of discourse and social network analysis.
Given the appropriateness of the topics, preliminary versions of contributions may be submitted in parallel to the 3rd workshop of "The People's Web meets NLP: Collaboratively Constructed Semantic Resources and their Applications to NLP." Please refer to the workshop homepage shown below:
Please note: if accepted to the workshop, the papers will have to be substantially extended for the publication with Springer.
===Preliminary Book Structure===
Part 1: Approaches to Collaboratively Constructed Language Resources (CCLRs) Part 2: Mining Knowledge from CCLRs Part 3: Application of CCLRs in NLP tasks Part 4: Interconnecting and managing CCLRs
===Publication Schedule===
* December 1st, 2011 – call for contributions published * January 8th, 2012 – deadline for abstract submission * January 13th, 2012 – notification of abstract acceptance * April 15th, 2012 – submission of book chapters * May 31st, 2012 – first reviewing round * June 8th, 2012 – notification of chapter acceptance * June 30th, 2012 – submission of revised book chapters * July 31st, 2012 – second reviewing round * August 31st, 2012 – final submission of book chapters * November - December 2012 – publication by Springer
===Submission Format===
The abstract is limited to 1000 words and has to be submitted by January 8th, 2012 using the Springer submission system: http://senldogo0039.springer-sbm.com/ocs/home/PWMNLP2012
Contributions must use a Latex template from Springer; refer to http://www.ukp.tu-darmstadt.de/scientific-community/edited-book-the-peoples-... -meets-nlp for detailed instructions. Images will be black-and-white.