Jesús, I suppose the key to understanding effectiveness of help pages may have big variations between language projects. As for the help sections on WP:PT, they are simply overwhelming, and navigating through them can feel like wandering through the Minotaur's maze.
On Sat, Feb 9, 2019 at 10:39 AM Jesús Tramullas wrote:
Dear colleagues:
I work with Wikipedia in classroom since 2015-2016 (,_Universi...).
Of course, I agree with the common problems about this kind of approach...
..but now I'm working on a specific area, asking the students: As new editor, What do you think about the help pages in Wikipedia? Have you used them? Are they helpful? Are they readable? Are they understandable?
So, my approach is to analyze the "technical documentation", identify problems and propose improvements.
"Investigación básica es lo que hago cuando no sé lo que estoy haciendo." "Basic research is what I am doing when I don't know what I am doing." Wernher von Braun (1957)
--#------------------------------------------------------------ Ph.D. Jesús Tramullas Dept. Ciencias Documentación // Dept. of Information Studies Universidad de Zaragoza 50009 Zaragoza (España) ------------------------------------------------------------#--
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