Hi all
I'm not a researcher but I want to carry out some research interviews as
part of a project I'm doing to develop a training programme. Can anyone
recommend any best practice guides? I'm especially looking for information
on best practice in compensating people for their time?
Many thanks
Call for Submissions to the Doctoral Programme
17th Conference on Intelligent Computer Mathematics
- CICM 2024 -
August 5-9, 2024
Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
* Submission deadline (Abstract + CV): June 13, 2024
* Notification of acceptance: June 28, 2024
For further information, please see below:
CICM brings together the many separate communities that have developed
theoretical and practical solutions for mathematical applications such as
computation, deduction, knowledge management, and user interfaces. It offers a
venue for discussing problems and solutions in each of these areas and their
CICM 2024 invites submissions in all topics relating to intelligent computer
mathematics, in particular but not limited to
* theorem proving and computer algebra
* mathematical knowledge management
* digital mathematical libraries
The doctoral programme provides PhD students a forum to present early results to
receive constructive feedback and mentoring. To attend, submissions of two-page
abstracts are expected in which the focus and research questions of the expected
PhD theses are described; details on completed research tasks and remaining
research plans should be given. In addition to these abstract, a two-pages CV of
the applicant should also be submitted, detailing background information (name,
university, supervisor), education (sought degree, previous degrees),
employments and relevant research experience (publications, attended
All submissions should be made via EasyChair at
Important Dates
Submission deadline: June 13, 2024
Notification of acceptance: June 28, 2024
Doctoral Program: August 5-9, 2024
Doctoral Program Chair
Adnan Rashid, Concordia University, Montreal, QC, Canada
First Call for Papers
Third Workshop on Formal Verification of Physical Systems (FVPS-2024)
August 5, 2024
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Co-located with CICM 2024
One of the main issues behind many failing systems is the ad-hoc
verification approach that involves a variety of formalism and techniques
for the modeling and analysis of various components of the present-age
(cyber)-physical systems. For example, control and communication protocols
are usually modelled using automata theory, and thus analyzed using model
checking techniques, while the modeling of physical aspects often requires
multivariate calculus foundations, which are in turn analyzed using
paper-and-pencil based analytical proofs, simulation or theorem proving.
The fundamental differences between these modeling and analysis techniques
limit us to analyze the whole system as one unit and thus miss many corner
cases, which arise due to the operation of all the sub-components of the
system together. One of the major concerns is that, despite the
above-mentioned evident limitations in the analysis methods, many
safety-critical systems, such as aerospace, smart-transportation,
smart-grid and e-healthcare, are increasingly involving physical elements.
Moreover, we are moving towards integrating more complex physical elements
in our engineering systems. For example, we are looking into developing
Quantum Computers to meet high performance needs. Similarly, photonic
components are increasingly being advocated and used in aerospace
applications due to their lightweight and temperature independency
compared to traditional electronics based components. Finally, the impact
of physical components is relevant to both safety and security of the
overall system. For example, malfunction in sensor measurement may lead to
safety issues whereas sophisticated physics based side-channel (e.g.,
power and acoustic measurements) attacks lead to the security violation of
the underlying system.
The focus of the workshop will be on formal verification techniques and
for the modeling, analysis and verification of safety and security
critical physical systems. We encourage submissions on interdisciplinary
approaches that bring together formal methods and techniques from other
knowledge areas such as quantum computing, control theory, biology,
optimization theory and artificial intelligence.
Topics of Interest
Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):
General Topics
* Formalization of physic���s mathematics and theories
* Interactive and automated theorem proving for physical systems
* Model Checking algorithms and tools for physical systems
* Formalization of security and safety of physical systems
* Runtime verification of safety and security properties
* Combination of formal, semi formal and informal approaches
* Formal verification of numerical algorithms
* Refinement based verification of physical systems
* Formalization of probability, reliability and statistical metrics
* Hybrid systems for physical systems modeling and verification
* Benchmarks for physical systems
* Formal requirement specification and validation
Application Domain
* Aerospace and avionics systems
* Automotive cyber physical systems
* Autonomous Vehicles
* Robotics
* Smart Grids
* Smart transportation
* Human factor modeling and analysis
* Biological and healthcare systems
Authors should prepare their papers in one column style of CEUR-WS. There
are two categories of submissions:
* Regular papers describing developed work with theoretical results (up to 16 pages)
* Short papers on experience reports, tools or work in progress with preliminary results (up to 6
Electronic submission is done through EasyChair
(https://easychair.org/my/conference?conf=fvps2024). The submissions will
be reviewed by at least three PC members. At least one author of each
accepted paper is expected to present her/his paper at FVPS.
All papers accepted in the workshop will be published in CEUR Workshop
Proceedings (https://ceur-ws.org/).
Journal Special Issue
The authors of selected papers will be invited to submit the extended
versions of their accepted papers to the journal Research Directions:
Cyber-Physical Systems by Cambridge University Press
Important Dates
* Full Paper Submission: June 9, 2024
* Notification: June 30, 2024
* Camera Ready: July 14, 2024
* Workshop: August 5-9, 2024
Program Chairs
* Adnan Rashid, Concordia University, Montreal, QC, Canada
* Osman Hasan, National University of Sciences and Technology, Pakistan
* Sofi��ne Tahar, Concordia University, Montreal, QC, Canada
Program Committee
* Aaron Dutle, NASA, USA
* Atif Mashkoor, Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Austria
* Pedro Ribeiro, University of York, UK
* Peter Csaba ��lveczky, University of Oslo, Norway
* Waqar Ahmed, Wind River, Canada
First Call for Papers
Workshop on Women in Formal Methods (WiFM-2024)
August 9, 2024
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Co-located with CICM 2024
The goal of this workshop is to provide a dynamic and inclusive gathering
that celebrates the achievements of women in formal methods in particular
as well as engineering and computer science in general. We aim to empower
female engineers, foster collaboration, and provide a platform for sharing
cutting-edge research. This workshop will bring together students,
researchers, and industry professionals to explore innovative ideas,
discuss challenges, and inspire one another.
We intend to organize the workshop as a one-day event on August 9th, 2024,
which will include:
* Research Presentations: the workshop shall feature presentations by
female students, researchers, and industry experts to showcase their
ground-breaking work in the domain of formal methods and intelligent
computer mathematics.
* Panel Discussion "Navigating Challenges": Our panel of accomplished
women will engage in candid conversations about the unique challenges
faced by female engineers. Topics include work-life balance, bias, and
* Celebrating Achievements: We believe in recognizing excellence. Awards
will be presented for innovation, leadership, and community impact.
We are happy to announce the confirmation of Amber Telfer, Principal
Formal Methods Engineer at Microsoft as the keynote speaker at WiFM. She
is a remarkable engineer in the industry who advocates for gender equality
in STEM. She will share her journey, and insights to overcome obstacles
and reach new frontiers.
Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):
* Theorem proving and computer algebra
* Mathematical knowledge management
* Digital mathematical libraries
* Formal specification and modeling
* Formal approaches to fault prevention and detection
* Abstraction, refinement, and evolution
* Integration of formal methods and testing
* SAT/SMT solvers for software analysis and testing
* Practical formal methods
* Applications of formal methods
* Formal approaches to software maintenance
* Formal approaches to safety-critical system development
* Industrial case studies
There are two categories of submissions:
* Abstract ��� up to 2 pages
* Regular ��� up to 6 pages
Electronic submission is done through EasyChair
(https://easychair.org/my/conference?conf=cicm24): select the author role
and select the "new submission" tab, then select ���CICM24-Women in Formal
Methods���. The submissions will be reviewed by at least three PC members.
At least one author of each accepted paper is expected to present her
paper at WiFM. All papers accepted in the workshop will be published
in the CEUR Workshop Proceedings (https://ceur-ws.org/).
* Full Paper Submission: June 9, 2024
* Notification: June 30, 2024
* Camera Ready: July 7, 2024
* Workshop: August 9, 2024
Vandana Desai, Qualcomm, USA
Maissa Elleuch, Digital Research Center of Sfax, Tunisia
Katalin Fazekas, TU Wien, Austria
Liya Luo, AMD, Canada
Ibtissem Seghaier, Nvidia, USA
Yassmeen Elderhalli (Chair), Synopsys, Canada
Hi all,
The next Research Showcase will be live-streamed tomorrow, Wednesday, May
15, at 9:30 AM PST / 16:30 UTC. Find your local time here
<https://zonestamp.toolforge.org/1715790600>. The theme for this showcase is
*Reader to Editor Pipeline*.
You are welcome to watch via the YouTube stream:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G-8CbpcwGV8. As usual, you can join the
conversation in the YouTube chat as soon as the showcase goes live.
This month's presentations:
Journey TransitionsBy *Mike Raish and Daisy Chen*What kinds of events do
readers and editors identify as separating the stages of their relationship
with Wikipedia, and which of these kinds of events might the Wikimedia
Foundation possibly support through design interventions? In the Journey
Transitions qualitative research project, the WMF Design Research team
interviewed readers and editors in Arabic, Spanish, and English in order to
answer these questions and provide guidance to WMF Product teams making
strategic decisions. A series of semi-structured interviews revealed that
readers and editors describe their relationships with Wikipedia in
different ways, with readers describing a static and transactional
relationship, and that even many experienced editors express confusion
about core functions of the Wikimedia ecosystem, such as the role of Talk
pages. This presentation will describe the Journey Transitions research, as
well as present its implications for the sponsoring Product teams in order
to shed light on the way that qualitative research is used to inform
strategic decisions in the Wikimedia Foundation.
Increasing participation in peer production communities with the Growth
featuresBy *Morten Warncke-Wang and Kirsten Stoller*For peer production
communities to be sustainable, they must attract and retain new
contributors. Studies have identified social and technical barriers to
entry and discovered some potential solutions, but these solutions have
typically focused on a single highly successful community, the English
Wikipedia, been tested in isolation, and rarely evaluated through
controlled experiments. In this talk, we show how the Wikimedia
Foundation’s Growth team collaborates with Wikipedia communities to develop
and experiment with new features to improve the newcomer experience in
Wikipedia. We report findings from a large-scale controlled experiment
using the Newcomer Homepage, a central place where newcomers can learn how
peer production works and find opportunities to contribute, and show how
the effectiveness depends on the newcomer’s context. Lastly, we show how
the Growth team has continued developing features that further improve the
newcomer experience while adapting to community needs.
Kinneret Gordon
Lead Research Community Officer
Wikimedia Foundation <https://wikimediafoundation.org/>
SEMANTiCS - 20th International Conference on Semantic Systems
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Call for Posters and Demos
September 17 - 19, 2024
The Posters & Demos Track provides a platform for researchers to present
their latest findings, ongoing projects, and cutting-edge work in
progress. This track is open to a range of submissions on innovative
applications, the latest results, unpublished ideas, prototypes of
semantic technologies, and their use in various domains. It also
welcomes contributions related to applications, use cases, and datasets
that may attract developers and potential research or business partners.
The Posters & Demos Track offers an informal setting that promotes
engagement and dialogue between presenters and attendees. These
discussions can provide valuable feedback for presenters' future work,
while also allowing participants to gain insight into emerging research
trends and network with other researchers.
=Important Dates=
* Paper Submission Deadline: June 25,
* Notification of Acceptance: July 29, 2024
* Camera-Ready Paper Deadline: August 6, 2024
All deadlines are set for 11:59 pm, Anywhere On Earth time (UTC-12)
Submission via Easychair on https://easychair.org/my/conference?conf=sem24
Proceedings of SEMANTiCS 2024 EU will be made available open access by
=Topics of Interest=
We welcome contributions in the context of semantic-based research and
systems, which address – but are not limited to – the topics of the
Research Track ttps://2024-eu.semantics.cc/page/cfp_rev_rep.
Additionally, we encourage submissions of visionary ideas, position
statements, negative results, and unconventional ideas.
Demos should showcase innovative implementations and technologies both,
from academia and industry. We warmly welcome contributions from
industry professionals, provided that they concentrate on introducing
innovative solutions to particular challenges, rather than serving as
promotional material or descriptions of commercial products.
=Author Guidelines and Submission=
Poster and demo submissions should consist of a paper that describes
the work, its contribution to the field or innovative aspects.
* Poster and demo submissions are at most 5 pages long, including
* No double-blind submissions required.
* Submissions must be either in PDF or HTML.
* Submissions must be formatted in the style of CEUR-ART
(https://ceur-ws.org/HOWTOSUBMIT.html). An Overleaf page for LaTeX users
is available.
* For demos, we ask authors to include links enabling the reviewers to
test the application or review the component. The absence of a pointer
affects the overall rating of the contribution.
* Submissions must be original and must not have been submitted for
publication elsewhere.
* At least one author of each accepted paper must register for the
conference and present the paper.
We look forward to receiving your contributions!
=Poster and Demo Chairs=
* Francesco Osborne & Anelia Kurteva
Advances in computational power and statistical algorithms, in conjunction with the increasing availability of large datasets, have led to a Cambrian explosion of machine learning (ML) methods. For population researchers, these methods are useful not only for predicting population dynamics but also as tools to improve causal inference tasks. However, the rapid evolution of this literature, coupled with terminological disparities from conventional approaches, renders these methods enigmatic and arduous for many population researchers to grasp.
This workshop on November 5 to 6, 2024 at the Max Planck Intsitute for Demographic Research (MPIDR) in Rostock, Germany, clarifies the goals, techniques, and applications of machine learning methods for population research. The workshop covers
* an introduction to ML methods for population researchers,
* showcases of ML applications to answer causal questions,
* discussions of the current developments of ML for population health, fertility and family dynamics, and
* fosters critical discussions about the shortfalls of these techniques.
The main focus of this workshop is on ML techniques using quantitative population data and research questions, not on ML language models. The workshop consists of keynotes, contributed sessions, and a tutorial.
One keynote lecture will be delivered by Prof. Ian Lundberg (Cornell University, https://www.ianlundberg.org/).
Prof. Jennie E. Brand (UCLA, https://www.profjenniebrand.com/) will deliver an online talk.
This in-person workshop will take place in November 5-6 at the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research in Rostock. We invite population researchers with interest in ML applications. We aim to receive contributions from different fields of population sciences, such as population health, formal and social demography, public health and economics, among others.
We invite submission of original research abstract with relevance to ML and population sciences (max 500 words) and a CV (max. one page) to MLworkshop(a)demogr.mpg.de<mailto:MLworkshop@demogr.mpg.de>.
Submission Deadline: May 15, 2024
Decisions on the selection will be communicated before May 31.
Please direct any questions to MLworkshop(a)demogr.mpg.de<mailto:MLworkshop@demogr.mpg.de>.
Organization committee: Angela Carollo, Aapo Hiilamo, Mikko Myrskyla.
The workshop has no fees. Participants are expected to cover their travel and accommodation but limited financial support, offered on a competitive basis, is available for junior scientists or scientists from low-middle income countries. Please indicate the request for such funding at the time of abstract submission.
The workshop is organized by the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research and The Max Planck - University of Helsinki Center for Social Inequalities in Population Health.
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Hi everyone,
The call for papers for the 11th Wiki Workshop in 2024 is out:
Submit your 2-page extended abstracts by April 22 (all submissions are
The workshop will take place virtually as a standalone event on June 20,
2024. For more information, see the workshop website
If you have questions about the workshop, please let us know on this list
or at wikiworkshop(a)googlegroups.com.
Looking forward to seeing many of you in this year's edition.
On behalf of the PC-chairs,
Pablo Beytía, Catholic University of Chile
Martin Gerlach, Wikimedia Foundation
Martin Gerlach (he/him) | Senior Research Scientist | Wikimedia Foundation
Dear all,
due to several requests we decided to extend the deadlines for the R&I
The new dates are as follows:
Abstract Submission Deadline: May 6, 2024
Paper Submission Deadline: May 13, 2024
All deadlines are set for 11:59 pm, Anywhere On Earth time (UTC-12)
Submission via Easychair on
For details please go to: https://2024-eu.semantics.cc/page/cfp_rev_rep
We strongly encourage early-career female AI researchers, especially
doctoral students, to attend this year's SEMANTiCS conference, for which
we are offering travel grants to support their participation.
Looking forward to your submissions! Stay tuned and stay safe!
With kind regards,
Mehwish Alam, Angelo Salatino & Femke Ongenae
-- R&I Track Chairs --