Hi all,
The next Research Showcase will be live-streamed on Wednesday, February 19,
at 9:30 AM PST/17:30 UTC. We’ll have presentations from Jeffrey V.
Nickerson on human/machine collaboration on Wikipedia, and Lucie-Aimée
Kaffee on human/machine collaboration on Wikidata. A question-and-answer
session will follow.
YouTube stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fj0z20PuGIk
As usual, you can join the conversation on IRC at #wikimedia-research. You
can also watch our past research showcases here:
This month's presentations:
Autonomous tools and the design of work
By Jeffrey V. Nickerson, Stevens Institute of Technology
Bots and other software tools that exhibit autonomy can appear in an
organization to be more like employees than commodities. As a result,
humans delegate to machines. Sometimes the machines turn and delegate part
of the work back to humans. This talk will discuss how the design of human
work is changing, drawing on a recent study of editors and bots in
Wikipedia, as well as a study of game and chip designers. The Wikipedia bot
ecosystem, and how bots evolve, will be discussed. Humans are working
together with machines in complex configurations; this puts constraints on
not only the machines but also the humans. Both software and human skills
change as a result. Paper
When Humans and Machines Collaborate: Cross-lingual Label Editing in
By Lucie-Aimée Kaffee, University of Southampton
The quality and maintainability of any knowledge graph are strongly
influenced in the way it is created. In the case of Wikidata, the knowledge
graph is created and maintained by a hybrid approach of human editing
supported by automated tools. We analyse the editing of natural language
data, i.e. labels. Labels are the entry point for humans to understand the
information, and therefore need to be carefully maintained. Wikidata is a
good example for a hybrid multilingual knowledge graph as it has a large
and active community of humans and bots working together covering over 300
languages. In this work, we analyse the different editor groups and how
they interact with the different language data to understand the provenance
of the current label data. This presentation is based on the paper “When
Humans and Machines Collaborate: Cross-lingual Label Editing in Wikidata”,
published in OpenSym 2019 in collaboration with Kemele M. Endris and Elena
Simperl. Paper
Janna Layton (she, her)
Administrative Assistant - Product & Technology
Wikimedia Foundation <https://wikimediafoundation.org/>
[You can safely skip this message if you have already seen it in the
Wikidata mailing list, and pardon for the spam]
Hi everyone,
TL;DR: soweego 2 is on its way.
Here's the Project Grant proposal:
Does the name *soweego* ring you a bell?
It's an artificial intelligence that links Wikidata to large catalogs [1].
It's a close friend of Mix'n'match [2], which mainly caters for small
The next big step is to check Wikidata content against third-party
trusted sources.
In a nutshell, we want to enable feedback loops between Wikidatans and
catalog maintainers.
The ultimate goal is to foster mutual benefits in the open knowledge
I'd be really grateful if you could have a look at the proposal page [3].
Can't wait for your feedback.
[1] https://soweego.readthedocs.io/
[2] https://tools.wmflabs.org/mix-n-match/
[3] https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Grants:Project/Hjfocs/soweego_2
Hi Analytics People,
The Wikimedia Analytics Team is pleased to announce the release of the most
complete dataset we have to date to analyze content and contributors
metadata: Mediawiki History [1] [2].
Data is in TSV format, released monthly around the 3rd of the month
usually, and every new release contains the full history of metadata.
The dataset contains an enhanced [3] and historified [4] version of user,
page and revision metadata and serves as a base to Wiksitats API on edits,
users and pages [5] [6].
We hope you will have as much fun playing with the data as we have building
it, and we're eager to hear from you [7], whether for issues, ideas or
usage of the data.
Analytically yours,
Joseph Allemandou (joal) (he / him)
Sr Data Engineer
Wikimedia Foundation
[1] https://dumps.wikimedia.org/other/mediawiki_history/readme.html
[3] Many pre-computed fields are present in the dataset, from edit-counts
by user and page to reverts and reverted information, as well as time
between events.
[4] As accurate as possible historical usernames and page-titles (as well
as user-groups and blocks) is available in addition to current values, and
are provided in a denormalized way to every event of the dataset.
[5] https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Analytics/AQS/Wikistats_2
[6] https://wikimedia.org/api/rest_v1/
2nd Call for Papers
formal papers - informal papers - doctoral programme
13th Conference on Intelligent Computer Mathematics
- CICM 2020 -
July 26-31, 2020
Bertinoro, Italy
Digital and computational solutions are becoming the prevalent means
for the generation, communication, processing, storage and curation of
mathematical information.
CICM brings together the many separate communities that have developed
theoretical and practical solutions for mathematical applications such
as computation, deduction, knowledge management, and user interfaces.
It offers a venue for discussing problems and solutions in each of
these areas and their integration.
CICM 2020 Invited Speakers:
Kevin Buzzard (Imperial College, London, UK)
Catherine Dubois (ENSIIE, CNRS, Evry, France)
Christian Szegedy (Google Research, Mountain View, CA, USA)
CICM 2020 Programme committee:
see https://www.cicm-conference.org/2020/cicm.php?event=&menu=pc
CICM 2020 invites submissions in all topics relating to intelligent
computer mathematics, in particular but not limited to
* theorem proving and computer algebra
* mathematical knowledge management
* digital mathematical libraries
CICM appreciates the varying nature of the relevant research in this
area and invites submissions of different forms:
1) Formal submissions will be reviewed rigorously and accepted papers
will be published in a volume of Springer LNCS:
* regular papers (up to 15 pages including references) present
novel research results
* project and survey papers (up to 15 pages + bibliography)
summarize existing results
* system and dataset descriptions (up to 5 pages including
references) present digital artifacts
* system entry (1 page according to the given LaTeX template)
provides metadata and a quick overview of a new tool or a new
release of an existent tool
2) Informal submissions will be reviewed with a positive bias and
selected for presentation based on their relevance for the
* informal papers may present work-in-progress, project
announcements, position statements, etc.
* posters and system demos will be presented in parallel in special
3) The doctoral programme provides PhD students with a forum to
present early results and receive constructive feedback and
*** Important Dates ***
Formal submissions
- Abstract deadline: March 01
- Full paper deadline: March 08
- Reviews sent to authors: April 17
- Rebuttals due: April 21
- Notification of acceptance: April 24
- Camera-ready copies due: May 03
- Conference: July 26-31
Informal submissions and doctoral programme
Two separate submission rounds are offered so that some authors can
make early travel plans while other authors submit spontaneously.
- First round submission deadline: April 15
- Notification of acceptance: May 1
- Second round submission deadline: June 15
- Notification of acceptance: July 1
All submissions should be made via easychair at
As in previous years, we will publish the CICM 2020 proceedings with
Springer LNCS.
So, this is kinda wild:
"A system created by MIT researchers could be used to automatically update
factual inconsistencies in Wikipedia articles, reducing time and effort
spent by human editors who now do the task manually... In a paper being
presented at the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, the
researchers describe a text-generating system that pinpoints and replaces
specific information in relevant Wikipedia sentences, while keeping the
language similar to how humans write and edit."
The paper, which I have not read yet, is called "Automatic Fact-guided
Sentence Modification" and the preprint is here:
(Note: I'm the computer science librarian at MIT, but I wasn't aware of
this project before I saw the news story. I may go and talk to them about
it though!)
* I use this address for lists; send personal messages to phoebe.ayers <at>
gmail.com *
My name is Anna Yuan and I am an undergraduate student working under the
supervision of Dr.Haiyi Zhu <https://haiyizhu.com/> in the HCI Department
at Carnegie Mellon University. Our team is currently conducting a research
study on Wikipedia's ORES system. Our research focuses on exploring
opportunities to better communicate the affordance of the ORES system and
thus help people effectively design and use ORES-based applications.
If you have developed or used any ORES-based application, we would love to
invite you to participate in this research. The research will be an
interview that takes approximately 45 minutes. During the research, I will
ask you about your background, your current experience of using ORES and
ORES-based applications, and your suggestion on how to improve the
All participants will be offered $20 amazon gift cards. If you are
interested in taking part in this research or would like more information,
please reply to this email and let me know.
I am looking forward to your response.
Wiki Account: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Bobo.03
Hi everyone,
I’m looking for statistics about the edits that are reverted on the English Wikipedia. This is for purposes of explaining to the public what Wikipedia’s quality control processes are like. If hard numbers aren’t available, I’m also interested in educated guesstimates.
1) An often-quoted statistic is that 7% of edits are reverted. Is this still believed to be true?
2) According to https://blog.wikimedia.org/2017/07/19/scoring-platform-team/, 2.5% of edits are vandalism. There are other common reasons for reverting, and I’m wondering if anyone has studied their frequency. Does anyone know what percentage of all edits are reverted for being:
a) Spam (as perceived by the reverter)
b) Copyright violation
c) Violations of the Biographies of Living Persons policy
3) Do statistics on the number of edits per day on the English Wikipedia (i.e. 164,000 edits per day) include edits that are blocked by the spam blacklists or by edit filters?
4) How many edits per day on the English Wikiepdia are prevented (blocked) by the spam blacklists?
5) How many edits per day on the English Wikiepdia are prevented by the edit filters?
6) What percentage of all reverts are made by users of Huggle and Stiki?
7) What proportion of vandalism is quickly reverted? A 2007 study (Priedhorsky et al) found that 42% of vandalistic contributions are repaired within one view and 70% within ten views - have any newer studies been done on this?
Thanks in advance!
Vancouver, BC
Apologies for cross-posting
SEMANTiCS - 16th International Conference on Semantic Systems, September
7 - 10, 2020
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
= Important Dates (specific track dates are given below)
* Abstract Submission Deadline: April 18, 2020 (11:59 pm, Hawaiitime)
* Paper Submission Deadline: April 25, 2020
(11:59pm,Hawaii time)
* Notification of Acceptance: June 08, 2020 (11:59
pm,Hawaii time)
* Camera-Ready Paper: July 06, 2020
(11:59pm, Hawaii time)
= Read a detailed description of all available calls online:
= Submission via Easychair on
Proceedings of SEMANTiCS 2020 EU are planned to be published by Springer
LNCS & CEUR. All proceedings will be made available open access.
SEMANTiCS 2020 EU particularly welcomes submissions on the following key
* Web Semantics & Linked (Open) Data
* Enterprise Knowledge Graphs, Graph Data Management and Deep Semantics
* Machine Learning & Deep Learning Techniques
* Semantic Information Management & Knowledge Integration
* Terminology, Thesaurus & Ontology Management
* Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery
* Reasoning, Rules and Policies
* Natural Language Processing
* Data Quality Management and Assurance
* Explainable Artificial Intelligence
* Semantics in Data Science
* Trust, Data Privacy, and Security with Semantic Technologies
* Economics of Data, Data Services and Data Ecosystems
* Special Sub-Topic: Digital Humanities and Cultural Heritage
* Special Sub-Topic: LegalTech
* Special Sub-Topic: Blockchain and Semantics
We especially encourage contributions that illustrate the applicability
of the topics mentioned above for industrial purposes and/or illustrate
the business relevance of their contribution for specific industries.
We invite contributions to the following tracks:
= Read a detailed description of all available calls online:
== Research and Innovation Track ==
The Research and Innovation track at SEMANTiCS welcomes papers on novel
scientific research and/or innovations relevant to the topics of the
conference. Submissions must be original and must not have been
submitted for publication elsewhere. Papers must follow the guidelines
given in the author instructions, including references and optional
appendices. Each submission will be reviewed by several PC members who
will judge it based on its innovativeness, appropriateness, and impact
of results in terms of effectiveness at solving real problems.
= Important Dates:
* Abstract Submission Deadline: April 18, 2020 (11:59 pm, Hawaii
* Paper Submission Deadline: April 25, 2020 (11:59 pm,
Hawaii time)
* Notification of Acceptance: June 08, 2020 (11:59 pm,
Hawaii time)
* Camera-Ready Paper: July 06, 2020 (11:59
pm, Hawaii time)
Author instructions: Reviews will be carried out in a single-blind mode.
Long papers should have a maximum length of 15 pages and short papers of
6 pages. Submissions should follow the guidelines of the Springer LNCS
format. The detailed Call for Research and Innovation papers is
available here: https://2020-eu.semantics.cc/calls
== Posters and Demos Track ==
The Posters and Demonstrations Track invites innovative work in
progress, late-breaking research and innovation results, and smaller
contributions in all fields related to the Semantic Web and Linked Data
in a broader sense. These include submissions on innovative applications
with impact on end users, such as demos of solutions that users may test
or that are yet in the conceptual phase but are worth discussing, and
also applications or pieces of code that may attract developers and
potential research or business partners.
= Important Dates:
* Paper Submission Deadline: June 22, 2020 (11:59 pm,
Hawaii time)
* Notification of Acceptance: July 22, 2020 (11:59 pm,
Hawaii time)
* Camera-Ready Paper: August 01, 2020 (11:59
pm, Hawaii time)
Author instructions: Proceedings are planned to be published via CEUR
Workshop Proceedings and should follow the guidelines of the Springer
LNCS format. The detailed Call for Poster and Demos papers is available
== Industry and Use Case Track ==
Focusing strongly on industry needs and ground breaking technology
trends SEMANTICS invites presentations on enterprise solutions that deal
with semantic processing of data and/or information. A special focus of
Semantics 2019 will be on the convergence of machine learning techniques
and knowledge graphs. Additional topics of interest are Enterprise
Knowledge Graphs, Semantic AI & Machine Learning, Enterprise Data
Integration, Linked Data & Data Publishing, Semantic Search,
Recommendation Services, Thesaurus and/or Ontology Management, Text
Mining, Data Mining and any related fields. All submissions should have
a strong focus on real-world applications beyond the prototypical stage
and demonstrate the power of semantic systems!
= Important Dates:
* Paper Submission Deadline: May 25, 2020 (11:59
pm,Hawaii time)
* Notification of Acceptance: June 15, 2020 (11:59 pm,
Hawaii time)
* Camera-Ready Presentation: August 24, 2020 (11:59
pm, Hawaii time)
Submit your presentations here:
== Workshops and Tutorials ==
Workshops and Tutorials at SEMANTiCS 2018 allow your organisation or
project to advance and promote your topics and gain increased
visibility. The workshops and tutorials will provide a forum for
presenting widely recognised contributions and findings to a diverse and
knowledgeable community. Furthermore, the event can be used as a
dissemination activity in the scope of large research projects or as a
closed format for research and commercial project consortia meetings.
= Important Dates for Workshops:
* Proposals WS Deadline: March 23, 2020 (11:59 pm,
Hawaii time)
* Notification of Acceptance: April 20, 2020 (11:59 pm,
Hawaii time)
= Important Dates for Tutorials (and other meetings, e.g. seminars,
show-cases, etc., without call for papers):
* Proposals Tutorial Deadline: May 11, 2020 (11:59 pm,
Hawaii time)
* Notification of Acceptance: June 01, 2020 (11:59
pm, Hawaii time)
== Special Calls ==
Special calls or sub-topics are dedicated towards specific topics that
are of special interest to the SEMANTiCS community. In case we receive a
sufficient amount of high quality submissions these topics will become
special tracks within the conference program. For 2020 SEMANTiCS
Amsterdam encourages submissions to the following sub-topics:
* Special Sub-Topic: Digital Humanities and Cultural Heritage
* Special Sub-Topic: LegalTech
* Special Sub-Topic: Blockchain and Semantics
Each sub-topic is managed by a distinct committee and encourages
submissions from the scientific or industrial domain. Scientific
submissions will undergo a thorough review process and will be published
in the conference proceedings in case of acceptance. Industrial
submissions will be evaluated and selected according to the quality
criteria of the industry track. We are looking forward to your submissions!
= Read a detailed description of all available calls online:
( https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:Pine )
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Rushforth, Peter (NRCan/RNCan) <peter.rushforth(a)canada.ca>
Date: Tue, Jan 28, 2020 at 9:46 PM
Subject: [OSM-talk] W3C Maps on the Web workshop
To: talk(a)openstreetmap.org <talk(a)openstreetmap.org>
Dear Open Street Map community,
I apologize if you are seeing this email for a second time. I sent it
originally to the talk-ca list, and I was advised that this list might
be more appropriate.
My name is Peter Rushforth, and I’m with the Canada Centre for Mapping
and Earth Observation, at Natural Resources Canada (a Canadian
government department). We are planning a World Wide Web Consortium
(W3C) workshop on maps in the Web platform (specifically HTML),
together with the W3C and the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC). The
workshop will be collocated with the OGC Technical Committee meeting,
June 15-17 2020 in Montreal, Quebec.
I am sending this email to see if Open Street Map (especially the Web
client development teams) might be interested in being invited to
participate (by presenting a short position paper, in person) in this
workshop on the concept of better integrating mapping into the Web
platform standards, and if so, how does Open Street Map see this.
Even if you believe that the Web platform standards are already good
enough for mapping, it might be worthwhile staking that out as a
position. If you are interested, though, we would certainly welcome
OSM to also be part of the program committee.
The objective of the workshop will be to start the conversation
between the geospatial (and geospatial standards) and Web platform
communities, about how Web standards could better serve the needs of
Web mapping and most especially users of Web maps and the Web in
Some topics of potential interest include:
a native map viewer, similar to that provided for video content
standards for how such a map widget might integrate with map services and APIs
accessibility of browser maps
privacy of user location information
security of browser-based maps
Integration / relationship of maps and location with other browser
APIs, e.g. geo-video, geolocation API, forms, SVG
crawling, indexing and searching map information
standardized browser elements and APIs
CSS styling of maps and map features
Map feature creation / input forms
federated map services with linking - aka the Web
Mostly the agenda will be driven by position papers, and what
organizations like yours want to discuss. If OSM is interested in
sending one or two people to present a position, please reply directly
to me, and I will ensure that you / they are invited.
Peter Rushforth
Technology Advisor
Canada Centre for Mapping and Earth Observation
Natural Resources Canada / Government of Canada
peter.rushforth(a)canada.ca / Tel: 613-759-7915
Conseiller technique
Centre canadien de cartographie et d’observation de la Terre
Ressources naturelles Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
peter.rushforth(a)canada.ca / Tél: 613-759-7915
talk mailing list