Hi everyone,
I've been working with Wiki Education for the last nine months researching
student learning using Wikipedia based assignments. We have a ton of
amazing data that I'll be posting about shortly and releasing under an open
license (as well as a summary of some preliminary findings).
I've written a grant proposal for WMF to continue this research as we've
really only touched the tip of the iceberg here. Please check it out and if
you're interested I'd love your feedback (and your support).
Zachary J. McDowell, PhD
University of Illinois at Chicago
Postdoctoral Fellow, National Center for Digital Government
Research Fellow, Wiki Education Foundation
Managing Editor, communication +1
Hi all,
Wikimedia Deutschland is planning a workshop (June 23, 2017) on digital
engagement / digital volunteer work.
The aim of the workshop is to identify with other stakeholders ("classic"
NGOs, Free- and Open-Movement, Volunteers, state authorities) open
questions on digital engagement / digital volunteer work that should be
Research questions could be as follows:
- What is the difference between digital and analog engagement?
- What are the core characteristic of digital engagement?
- What should state authorities on the national and local level do in order
to support digital volunteers?
- How important is digital engagement for our society?
- ...
Is there anybody from the Wikimedia movement who can help us to broaden our
German perspective and give us international insides on this topic (e.g.
via a ten minutes video message)?
Do you know any inspiring study?
Julian Fischer
Head of Volunteer Support
Wikimedia Deutschland e. V. | Tempelhofer Ufer 23-24 | D-10963 Berlin
Tel. +49-(0)30 219 158 26-0
Stellen Sie sich eine Welt vor, in der jeder Mensch an der Menge allen
Wissens frei teilhaben kann. Helfen Sie uns dabei!
Wikimedia Deutschland - Gesellschaft zur Förderung Freien Wissens e. V.
Eingetragen im Vereinsregister des Amtsgerichts Berlin-Charlottenburg unter
der Nummer 23855 B. Als gemeinnützig anerkannt durch das Finanzamt für
Körperschaften I Berlin, Steuernummer 27/029/42207.
Greetings Wikimedia Researchers!
It looks like nobody forwarded this year OpenSym 2017 to this
list yet! Please consider submitting a paper, attending to the doctoral
consortium, etc. All please help us spread the word about the
I've included the CFP itself below!
OpenSym 2016 General Call for Papers
OpenSym 2017, the 13th International Symposium on Open Collaboration
August 23-25, 2017 | Galway, Ireland
Conference Website: http://os2017.opensym.org
Call for Papers: http://opensym.lero.ie/cfp/
About the Conference
The 13th International Symposium on Open Collaboration (OpenSym 2017)
is the premier conference on open collaboration research and practice,
including open source, open data, open science, open education, wikis
and related social media, Wikipedia, and IT-driven open innovation
OpenSym is the first conference series to bring together the different
strands of open collaboration research and practice, seeking to create
synergies and inspire new collaborations between people from computer
science, information science, social science, humanities, and everyone
interested in understanding open collaboration and how it is changing
the world.
This year’s conference will be held in Galway, Ireland, on August
23-25, 2017. A Doctoral Symposium will take place on August 22, 2017.
OpenSym is held in-cooperation with ACM SIGWEB and ACM SIGSOFT and the
conference proceedings will be archived in the ACM digital library
like all prior editions.
The research paper submission deadline is April 07, 2017.
Submission Information and Instructions
Topics: The conference provides peer-reviewed research tracks on
subjects related to open collaboration including:
- Free/Libre and Open Source Software (FLOSS)
- Open Data and Open Science
- Open Education
- IT-Driven Open Innovation
- Open Collaboration Research, esp. Wikis and Social Media
- Open Policy/Open Government
- Wikipedia and Wikimedia Research
Paper Presentation: OpenSym 2017 will be organized as a one track
conference in order to emphasize the interdisciplinary character of
this conference and to encourage discussion.
Submission Deadline: The research paper submission deadline is April
7th 2017. Submitted papers should present integrative reviews or
original reports of substantive new work: theoretical, empirical,
and/or in the design, development and/or deployment of novel concepts,
systems, and mechanisms. Research papers will be reviewed to meet
rigorous academic standards of publication. Papers will be reviewed
for relevance, conceptual quality, innovation and clarity of
Paper Length: There is no minimum or maximum length for submitted
papers. Rather, reviewers will be instructed to weigh the contribution
of a paper relative to its length. Papers should report research
thoroughly but succinctly: brevity is a virtue. A typical length of a
“long research paper” is 10 pages (formerly the maximum length limit
and the limit on OpenSym tracks), but may be shorter if the
contribution can be described and supported in fewer pages— shorter,
more focused papers (called “short research papers” previously) are
encouraged and will be reviewed like any other paper. While we will
review papers longer than 10 pages, the contribution must warrant the
extra length. Reviewers will be instructed to reject papers whose
length is incommensurate with the size of their contribution. Papers
should be formatted in ACM SIGCHI paper format. Reviewing is not
double-blind so manuscripts do not need to be anonymized.
Posters: As in previous years, OpenSym will also be hosting a poster
session at the conference. To propose a poster, authors should submit
an extended abstract (not more than 4 pages) describing the content of
the poster which will be published in a non-archival companion
proceedings to the conference. Posters should use the ACM SIGCHI
templates for extended abstracts. An example of a poster abstract can
be found here. Reviewing is not double-blind so abstracts do not need
to be anonymized.
Paper Proceedings: OpenSym is held in-cooperation with ACM SIGWEB and
ACM SIGSOFT and the conference proceedings will be archived in the ACM
digital library like all prior editions. OpenSym seeks to accommodate
the needs of the different research disciplines it draws on including
disciplines with archival conference proceedings and disciplines where
authors usually present at conferences and publish later. Authors,
whose submitted papers have been accepted for presentation at the
conference have a choice of (1) having their paper become part of the
official proceedings, archived in the ACM Digital Library or (2)
having no publication record at all but only the presentation at the
Response from authors: For the first time at OpenSym, authors will be
given the opportunity to write a response to their reviews before
final decisions are made. This should be treated as an opportunity to
correct any mistakes or misconceptions in the reviews as well as to
propose minor changes that the authors can make during the two weeks
between notification and the camera-ready deadline.
Important Dates
- Submission deadline: April 07, 2017
- Reviews sent to authors: June 02, 2017
- Response to reviews from authors due: June 30, 2017
- Decision notification: July 07, 2017
- Camera-ready papers due: July 21, 2017
Conference Organization
The general chair of the conference is Lorraine Morgan, Lero (the
Irish Software Research Centre) and Whitaker Institute, NUI
Galway. Feel free to contact us with any questions you might have at
The program co-chairs are Claudia Müller-Birn (Freie Universität
Berlin) and Benjamin Mako Hill (University of Washington).
Benjamin Mako Hill
Creativity can be a social contribution, but only in so far
as society is free to use the results. --GNU Manifesto
Call for Workshop Proposals
10th Conference on Intelligent Computer Mathematics
- CICM 2017 -
July 17-21, 2017
University of Edinburgh, Scotland
Digital and computational solutions are becoming the prevalent means
for the generation, communication, processing, storage and curation of
mathematical information. Separate communities have developed to
investigate and build computer based systems for computer algebra,
automated deduction, and mathematical publishing as well as novel user
interfaces. While all of these systems excel in their own right, their
integration can lead to synergies offering significant added
value. The Conference on Intelligent Computer Mathematics (CICM)
offers a venue for discussing and developing solutions to the great
challenges posed by the integration of these diverse areas.
CICM has been held annually as a joint meeting since 2008, co-locating
related conferences and workshops to advance work in these
subjects. Previous meetings have been held in Birmingham (UK 2008),
Grand Bend (Canada 2009), Paris (France 2010), Bertinoro (Italy 2011),
Bremen (Germany 2012), Bath (UK 2013), Coimbra (Portugal 2014),
Washington DC (USA 2015) and Bialystok (Poland 2016).
This is the call for proposals for workshops to be held at CICM 2017
Edinburgh, Scotland, July 17-21, 2017.
Some of the workshops that have been held at past CICM meetings are:
Automated Reasoning: Bridging the Gap between Theory and Practice
Compact Computer Algebra
Empirically Successful Automated Reasoning for Mathematics
Formal Mathematics for Mathematicians
Intelligent Proof Search
Mathematical user Interfaces
Mathematics Information Retrieval
Pen-Based Mathematical Computation
Programming languages for Mechanized Mathematics Systems
Proof Engineering
The Notion of Proof
User Interfaces for Theorem Provers
Proposals for workshops to be held at CICM 2017 are solicited. Both
well-established workshops and newer or brand new ones are encouraged.
Please provide the following information:
+ Workshop title.
+ Names and affiliations of organizers.
+ Brief description of workshop goals and/or topics.
+ Proposed workshop duration (half a day up to two days is possible).
+ If the workshop has met previously, please include the conference
affiliation for the previous meeting. If the workshop is new,
please indicate so.
CICM will take care of copying and distributing informal printed
proceedings for workshops that would like this service, as well as
permanently archived open access online proceedings with CEUR-WS.org.
All proposals should be sent via email to the CICM workshop chair
Petros Papapanagiotou (pe.p(a)ed.ac.uk).
Important dates:
Deadline for proposal submissions: 17. April 2017
Workshop dates: 17-21. July 2017
More details on the conference are available from
A thought-provoking newspaper column about a University of Washington
professor's troubling findings:
Quoting briefly from the article:
"Starbird is publishing her paper as a sort of warning. The information
networks we’ve built are almost perfectly designed to exploit psychological
vulnerabilities to rumor."
"Your brain tells you ‘Hey, I got this from three different sources,’ ” she
says. “But you don’t realize it all traces back to the same place, and
might have even reached you via bots posing as real people. If we think of
this as a virus, I wouldn’t know how to vaccinate for it.”