Peter Körner schrieb:
Tim Alder schrieb:
Please have also my wish-list in mind for the time of re-import: shop, lit, cycleway, operator, surveillance, website, wikipedia
I just started the new import. I used this style definition:
The import was canceled after 6 hours when it started to generate the indexes. I'm doing an import with a new prefix (--prefix planet_osm_new) and afterwards rename the current tables to planet_osm_old and the new ones to planet_osm.
ALTER TABLE planet_osm_line RENAME TO planet_osm_old_line; ALTER TABLE planet_osm_new_line RENAME TO planet_osm_line;
Unfortunately in Postgresql this does not rename the primary keys or the indices, so i had to do this manually:
ALTER TABLE planet_osm_line_pkey RENAME TO planet_osm_old_line_pkey; ALTER TABLE planet_osm_new_line_pkey RENAME TO planet_osm_line_pkey; ALTER TABLE planet_osm_line_index RENAME TO planet_osm_old_line_index; ALTER TABLE planet_osm_new_line_index RENAME TO planet_osm_line_index;
I missed some. Now I added all the renames to the planet-update script (/sql/planet.osm/planet-update) and it's running again.
With the increased Cache level I expect it to be much faster than before, but we'll see.