On 04/16/2013 10:50 PM, Susanna Ånäs wrote:
My name is Susanna Ånäs and I am active in the Finnish Wikimedia. We have a cooperation project going with the Finnish National Archives with their historical maps and this has given us the opportunity to look anew at the Wikimaps environment. http://fi.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Wikiprojekti_Historialliset_kartat/In...
Do you know how to georeference scanned maps? I have plenty of scanned maps of Sweden that are out of copyright. A few are uploaded to Commons, http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Generalstabskartan_s%C3%B6dra_188... but there are plenty more. And I haven't taken the time to learn how to do something intelligent with them.