Sorry to keep spamming, but can you explain what's going on in the "French Guyana" graph? The recommendations seem bad: it suggests removing what look like correct links. e.g.:
* [[:gl:Güiana francesa]] ---> [[:no:Fransk Guyana]] * [[:gl:Güiana francesa]] ---> [[:en:French Guiana]] * [[:gl:Güiana francesa]] ---> [[:simple:French Guiana]] * [[:gl:Güiana francesa]] ---> [[:ga:Guáin na Fraince]]
Also, something is clearly wrong with the Arabic article, but from the graph, it's not clear what. I think perhaps the article "جويانا" links to [[Guyana]] but that in turn links to "غويانا". You have this strong sense that the graph is trying to tell you *something* (notice the huge pretty pattern around that article), but it's not obvious what it is.
Also, for performance, it would be useful to be able to hide all grey (normal) links, and just show the ones that need attention.