Charlotte Webb schrieb:
Obviously one would go to med school to pursue their own dream of becoming a <!--surgeon or a--> dermatologist or whatever.
"Dermatologist is Greek for 'fake doctor'" -Dr. Cox
As with most topics, Wikipedia articles are quite useful to gain a quick overview, and to estimate relative importance of involved aspects and understand the basic structure of a topic which can be tedious (and awesome, literally, in areas like physiology) using several standard textbooks when you're getting started to prepare for a test.
Also, studies on preservation of basic knowledge with practising physicians suggest they (and not only students) should use a readily available online source like Wikipedia a lot more frequently. Far too many of them don't even know some of the basics like ideal blood pressure etcpp and they don't have the time to look all of this up time and again. And textbooks, especially in the field of clinical medicine, can become quickly and utterly outdated as the latest research is made available and finds its way into advanced training.
It's not like they have to rely on wikinformation(tm) from articles about e.g. World War II or Star Wars. ''That'' would be reason to worry.